
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."

From "Auguries of Innocence"

by William Blake

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Herefordshire 2023 (10) - Part 1: Hatfield and Leominster


Just back from another trip to Herefordshire. We stayed four nights again - honestly, sometimes I think it would be much easier just to buy a house and live there permanently!

Timothy on the journey.

The Hollyhocks are still flowering in the border by the hawthorn hedge.

The insect hotels which are being used already. I was really chuffed to see a Leaf Cutter Bee going in and out with leaves.  The "Strawberry and Cream" geranium cuttings have taken and are growing at the base.

The Herefordshire Trees in their late summer glory.

D got some photos of Blue and Great Tits on and near the feeders.






I used the bat detector most evenings and was picking up a few bats but they mainly seem to be foraging over the ponds and fields and not round our caravan.

We arrived Monday lunchtime and did the usual click and collect at Morrisons in Leominster and filled up with petrol.

Tuesday it rained all day!  So it was a matter of doing a bit of housework and reading and relaxing.  

Wednesday was lovely weatherwise and really I would have liked a day out but to be honest I really am going through a phase of sleeping really badly - waking up at silly o clock and not being able to get back to sleep so in the end we just popped into Leominster to get some food for a barbecue and B wanted a better quality garden trowel.

I've tried to take some different photos this time as we parked in a different area and walked into the town centre via a different route.

This is Leominster's masonic centre - it was also, according to a blue plaque, once the site of Battle Bridge which spanned the town's defensive ditch. The bridge was named after the 1052 Battle between the Welsh and the Earl of Hereford's army.

The town centre is always very colourful with flower displays everywhere.

D and I looked round Rossiters bookshop while B went to several places in an unsuccessful hunt for the trowel.

I loved these stone faces on one of the buildings.

"Plants in Walls"

"Pavement Plants"

A disused car park where nature was beginning to take over.

We had a small barbecue in the evening - the site was very quiet again just as I like it!!!  We have found that it is by far the busiest at weekends.  Monday to Thursday is usually very quiet with just a few cars further up the site.

Thursday was again lovely if a trifle too hot!  We were having a tv aerial fitted.  Up until now we have used the internet to watch the tv which has usually not been a problem but the internet hasn't been so good this year for some reason. So at least with an aerial we can watch terrestrial channels. Luckily the engineers came mid morning and were only there for 30 minutes so we were able to go out in the afternoon.  We visited Westonbury Water Mill Gardens near Pembridge which I'll write about in the next post.

Photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. Those marked *D taken by my son with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one of mine or my son's I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).


Rustic Pumpkin said...

Honestly, I agree with you that you would be better off away from your next door neighbours. And you really do seem to like the area where the caravan is. That council planting is spectacular. however, whoever has the misfortune of a buddleia growing in the footings of their property had better get out there and get rid of it as soon as possible! Plants growing in walls is one thing, but a buddleia has to have its place carefully chosen. Sorry, the hunt for a new trowel was unsuccessful. Next time maybe.

Ragged Robin said...

Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. I would move there tomorrow although B doesn't want to be that far from E which is rather a problem! Although he did actually say recently it would be nice to live somewhere this quiet and with such views all the time! Trouble is until E finally moves completely out it is so hard to get house ready to go on the market but time is passing and its been 8 months since she bought the flat!

Rohrerbot said...

Greetings from Tucson!

I had a chance this morning to sit down and read:) It has been months since I've been able to do so. As always, your walks and discoveries make me happy. What does keep you from buying a house in this area?:) Besides the $$:) Love the bird pics and the plants as always. Hope it cools down a tad around the world. Crazy times. Hugs from Arizona and thanks for sharing your adventures!

Rosie said...

Good to have another little break away. The trees nearby are all looking lovely. It's a joy to potter around a town if it isn't too busy and it sounds as if you chose the right day. A book shop too to add to the enjoyment. I like the Drapers Lane sign and the carved heads/faces. Lovely to have a barbecue when the weather is warm:)

Ragged Robin said...

Rohrerbot - Hi Chris - Thanks so much for the very kind comment and lovely to hear from you. So pleased you enjoyed the post from over here. Property in Herefordshire is cheaper than round here - you get far more for your money but OH doesn't want to be that far away from our daughter. So its that that is mainly causing the problem. The caravan was a compromise so I had a country refuge!!!
Crazy times indeed. Sending you a virtual hug too Chris and take care.

Rosie - thanks so much. We've only been back 4 days and already I want to go back!!!! I was on the verge of buying a book on the subject of Leominster History when B turned up sooner than expected! I decided I had better not be tempted again as I've spent rather a lot in that bookshop recently!!! Much to tempt!

Millymollymandy said...

Goodness, those buddleias get everywhere! Mine is a sad yellow folorn thing - hasn't grown in size since I planted it several years ago. Nor are any butterflies interested in the flowers - this is my third attempt with buddleia and every one has looked pathetic and not attracted any butterflies!!!

I'm sure once your daughter has moved out properly your husband might change his mind, after all you would only be a couple of hours away. Kids have got to grow up and leave the nest at some point, and she might actually appreciate not being too close to her parents once she gets a taste of independence! :-)

Ragged Robin said...

Thanks. Strange about your buddleias - perhaps the soil where you are doesn't suit them? We have four at home although the white flowered one is not as popular as the purple variety. OH usually cuts them right down in the early Spring to encourage new growth although he didn't do it this year and the one on the first lawn flowered even more profusely than usual.

Herefordshire isn't far really - on a good run we can get to he caravan in less than 90 minutes but my daughter won't drive on motorways. She's had the flat for 8 months now and still mainly living with us although some weeks she stays at flat 3 nights. Sadly her relationship with boyfriend is very rocky indeed and I don't think she fancies living on her own. So it is all rather difficult.

CherryPie said...

Sometimes holiday places are just the escape we need from everyday life. If we live those special places we would probably need to find a special place to escape from everyday life.

Ragged Robin said...

CherryPie - Thank you and that is a good point you make but I do feel far more at home in Herefordshire these days than I do where I actually live.