
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."

From "Auguries of Innocence"

by William Blake

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Herefordshire 2023 (10) Part 3: St John's Ivington


We came home Friday in the early evening but I wanted to go somewhere local in the afternoon so  D and I went in search of the grave of a Russian Princess - Princess Sophia Mickeladze -  at St John's, Ivington, just past Leominster. The princess had moved to Bankfield House Ivington during the second world war with her daughter Olga and Olga's husband Captain Sandford.

St John's was build in 1842/3 by William Davies of Leominster in the Early English style typical at that time.

It was restored in 1868 and 1900 by J H Davis.

A rather lovely lych gate from 1921.

First problem was that the church was well and truly locked - I really should have checked beforehand as I have since found it usually is closed!

Second problem was that my source had suggested the Princess was buried to the left of the porch with the grave marked by a Russian Orthodox Cross.  Well the West Door had no porch and I walked all round the church and there wasn't a porch anywhere else either. So we looked to the left of the door and couldn't find an Orthodox cross there or anywhere else in the churchyard!!! (I have since found a photo of the grave and it seems it is not marked by a cross but just a "normal" shaped gravestone so its no wonder I couldn't find it!)

There seem to be two possible stories concerning the Princess and her husband but as I didn't find the grave there isn't really much point in giving chapter and verse!!

Anyway it wasn't a complete waste of time as we had good wander round the outside of the church and churchyard.


The churchyard was carpeted with the lovely Fox and Cubs or Orange Hawkweed.  Some of you will remember I have planted one in the small garden at the caravan and although it only flowered once it now seems to have split into three plants! I know some of you warned me it was invasive!!!

Stone Cross but not the one I was looking for!

In my usual fashion I had managed to get lost on the way and ended up taking a huge and unnecessary detour as it turned out to Monklands - there's a church there too that is on my list to visit. But when I suggested we had a look round there D was definitely not impressed! 

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks)


The Quacks of Life said...

I've found most churches open in Herefordshire!

that is a pretty lychgate! Oh I have another church for you tomorrow ;)

Ragged Robin said...

The Quacks of Life - Thanks Pete. Yes most are open but had a bad run this year. Ivington, Hope Under Dinmore and Bredenbury all shut.
Oh goody - look forward to it - need cheering up due to actions of my neighbour yet again!!!

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Yay! You got to say "Oontitoomps" again! I spotted a rather resplendent Welsh Dragon. does it have purpose there?
Fox and Cubs is such a pretty plant, I'd be happy for it to invade my garden.

Ragged Robin said...

Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much and lol yes I did!!! It was on a gravestone - will see if I have picture of whole stone to see engraving but I don't think I have. Being in Border country you do see Welsh Dragons - a cottage in Hatfield flies the Welsh flag most of the time.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A pity that you didn't find the grave - and that the church was locked - and you got lost on the way home. Other than that a perfect trip out! Quite a few churches around here closed their doors during Covid and never seem to have opened again.

Ragged Robin said...

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" - Thanks so much - its only about 25 minutes away so I could visit again :) Same in Herefordshire and Warwickshire re: churches closing during pandemic and not re-opening but thankfully most churches in South Warwickshire and Herefordshire are now open. North Warwickshire most have always been closed.

Rosie said...

It's a shame you didn't find what you were looking for but it looks a lovely churchyard with plenty of other interesting features. Good that the church isn't too far away so you can visit and search again:)

Ragged Robin said...

Rosie - Thanks so much and yes I will at some stage in the future :)

Bovey Belle said...

What a shame it was shut on this occasion. At least you had a nice wander round the churchyard and will know better where the grave you sought it in future. A pity you couldn't get to see the church at Monklands, having got there by default!

Ragged Robin said...

Bovey Belle - Thanks so much. I can easily pop to Monklands again - drive through a lot and go to cheese shop there regularly. I think a vicar there had a connection or was in charge of compiling a hymn book. Churches have SO many interesting stories to tell :)

CherryPie said...

It is always dissapointing to find a church closed on arrival.

Ragged Robin said...

CherryPie - Thank you and yes it is :(