
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."

From "Auguries of Innocence"

by William Blake

Sunday 21 May 2023

Recent Reading and Garden Flowers


Recent Reading

I still enjoy the Wesley Peterson books - I love the way the stories tie in with archaelogical digs being done by his friend.

This is a very good series although this one was a bit graphic for me in places.

I am still loving this series - I read two on the trot again!  Thanks again Billy Blue Eyes for mentioning the series.

I was disappointed in this book as I thought naively it would be about tombs and gravestones and the stories behind them in country churchyards but it is mainly about cemeteries which to me do not have the same appeal as a churchyard.  Having said that the book is very well researched and written and at least one friend who has read it thought it was brilliant.

Garden Flowers and Nesting Activity

Blue Tits are nesting in the nestbox with a camera again and touch wood seem to be faring much better this year. Eleven eggs were laid and eight hatched while we were away in Herefordshire just over a week ago.  Both parents are feeding the young regularly (unlike recent previous years!) and all eight so far are thriving.

Clematis is flowering on the patio - the smaller pink one is growing on an arch further up the garden but it never really seems to have got established.

Perennial wall flower growing among some ferns

Green Alkanet - much loved by bees

We've lost a few azaleas but there are still three flowering

Campion and Common Sorrel in the wild flower "meadow" area.

We have a clump of nettles for caterpillars

I love the pale lemon of this broom

Choisea is flowering

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).


Rustic Pumpkin said...

Your garden is way ahead of mine! I agree, what a lovely colour on the lemon broom.

Ragged Robin said...

Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. Broom is such a delicate colour :)

Rosie said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the blue tits, hope they have a good year. Your clematis is lovely, we lost our choisia it was fine last year and flowered so well, then a month ago I noticed brown leaves and drooping branches, it all had to be cut away. It may or may not come back, we'll see. I missed that Wesley Peterson book, I'll have to look in the library although sometimes when you have moved ahead with the characters and their present situation it's hard to go back. Have a lovely week:)

Ragged Robin said...

Rosie - Thanks so much. All eight are still thriving and look ready to fledge any day now - such a relief after several years of failed nesting attempts and distress seeing the chicks dying. I am so sorry to hear about your choisia - I do hope it recovers I really do.

I still haven't read the WP book "The Plague Maiden" which was much earlier in the series. I went to start it at around time of first lockdown when things were so scary and tbh I just didn't fancy the book. Still on Kindle but as you say hard to go back sometimes with a series when characters' situation is so different. I may read it when I have finished the series.

Have a lovely week too. Weather looks good :)