There's been a lot of overnight rain recently so I've only put out the moth trap on one occasion since my last post on Garden Moths
Saturday 29th March - GMS Week 5
Minimum Temperature 4.8 degrees centigrade
15w Actinic Skinner Trap
Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi) x 8
Emmelina monodactyla x 4
Clouded Drab (Orthosia incerta) x 1
Pine Beauty (Panolis flammea) x 1 NFG NFY
Double-striped Pug (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata) x 1 NFY
I was really pleased to trap Pine Beauty - a beautifully marked moth and new for the garden
Double-striped Pug - pugs are not only hard to id but also hard to photo as they never keep still!!
I spotted another new species for the year on the garage window on Monday, 31st March - a Many-plumed Moth (Alucita hexadactla). No photo this time as it flew off the minute I opened the garage door:(
6 hours ago
Well done with the Pine Beauty, Caroline. A moth that is justified by its name.
I love the markings on the Pine Beauty!
Dean Stables Many thanks :) I was really rather pleased and yes it does live up to its name as you say :)
Wendy Thank You:) It really is a lovely moth :)
pine beauty and many plumed- fantastic! Never had either of those... :-)
Countryside Tales - Thank you :) It was my first Pine Beauty and worth the wait :) Many-plumed are common so you should get one soon :)
The Pine Beauty is fab, I knew I had not heard that name before.
SeagullSuzie - Thanks :) One thing I love about mothing is that you never know what you are going to find and I'm still getting new species even after 4 years :)
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