There were only a few moths in the moth trap this morning despite a mild overnight temperature. When I went out to check the trap last night I spotted a Thorn flying around - did it go in the trap? No, it didn't! Could I manage to pot it? No, I couldn't! So it remained unidentified which is a shame as the various species of Thorn are very pretty and some of my favourite moths.
The only other possible new species for the year is a potential Red-line Quaker. The moth was very worn and as I was trying to identify it, it made a bid for freedom amongst the folds of the curtains so unless I can recapture it, it will be another moth whose id remains unknown!
Summary of Moths Trapped Sunday, 9th October
Minimum Temperature 15.0 degrees centigrade
7.00 p.m. until dawn
15w Actinic Skinner Trap
Black Rustic x 1
Willow Beauty x 1
Large Yellow Underwing x 4
Lesser Yellow Underwing x 1
Garden Bird Update
We've noticed a wren roosting overnight in one of the hanging baskets on the patio. I wonder if its the same individual that roosted there last winter and nested in the same place last year?
The feeders are fairly quiet at the moment - only house sparrows, wood pigeons and a female great spotted woodpecker are feeding regularly with less frequent visits from blue and great tits, goldfinches, dunnocks, blackbirds, magpie and robin. I am assuming there is plentiful natural food supply and the wood pigeons and blackbirds are certainly still scoffing various berries in the garden.
Millennium Wood
I was passing again then this morning so stopped off for a brief walk. Only bird species seen again were magpies, wood pigeons and carrion crows. A lone thrush flew over at great height - was it a redwing? Unfortunately, it was too far away for me to be certain.
I did find signs of a rabbit warren during this visit and also discovered the wildflower meadow that the information board mentioned the Council were planting in the hope of increasing biodiversity. There were a few ox-eye daisies still flowering.
Resident Badger
28 minutes ago
Hi RR, I bet your Thorn was a Feathered. Its late for the others....keep trapping and you will get one this week I'm sure.
Thanks for that advice Stewart. I'll keep trying - still hoping for a Merveille du Jour :D. All the best Caroline
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