I thought again this year I would do a post showing photos of the Herefordshire Oak from March until November last year.
mid March
Hurrah a sign of budburst :)
The Oak in all its glory :)
But two weeks later when we returned the leaves had all gone!
I am sorry for lack of posts but at New Year I went down with cellulitis yet again and last Friday it returned. So it is back on penicillin yet again :( I really am rather fed up with it as it means I can't get out and about and can't even get on top of housework so when I get better I can go somewhere.
All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one of mine or my son's I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).
Lovely set of photographs showing the oak throughout the year Robin, most enjoyable.
It's a beautiful tree and gives you pleasure as you follow it through each season. I'm so sorry that you are still struggling with the cellulitis, no wonder you are fed up and longing to feel better so you can get out and about again. I hope things will improve soon, take care:)
Thanks so much John and lovely to hear from you again.
Thanks so much Rosie. The tree gives D and I a lot of pleasure throughout the year. Thanks for good wishes - it is beciming somewhat wearing!!!
It's always interesting to see a tree like that through the months and you can compare with other years to see when it comes to life and when it changes colour, etc.
Sorry to hear you have cellulitis again. I can understand the frustration. I'd say leave the housework when you feel well enough to go out. Surely your kids and husband can help out there!
A lovely set of photos showing of the Herefodshire Oak.
I hope you feel better soon and are able to get out and about again.
Thanks Mandy. I have a particular fondness for that tree :)
Thanks re cellulitis - really beginning to get me down tbh. Believe me last year I left housework for weeks and weeks! To be fair OH cleans bathroom and toilet has done for years.
Sorry Mandy my reply seems to have published further down rather than as a reply!
Cherry Pie - Thanks so much - sorry I can't seem to reply direct to a comment!! So this may appear below!
Thank you, RR, for your kind comment on my hedgehog post. I am SO sorry about the cellulitis ... a horrible thing. I so hope it responds well to the meds.
... and I meant to say what an impressive round-the-year set of pictures of your Herefordshire oak. I wonder if you could start a tally of the creatures you see it supporting ...
Thanks so much Caroline. Thankfully, pencillin seems to have worked and for now cellulitis has abated!!! Thanks re the oak and that is a great idea of yours. Sadly though the oak is some fields away and I can't get close as it is on farmland and there are no public footpaths :( I could watch for birds though with binoculars. I know oaks support a huge amount of wildlife.
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