I gave David a lift to Baddesley Clinton last Sunday and, as the House and Gardens weren't yet open when we arrived, I decided to walk towards Hay Wood. It was freezing cold and starting to snow!

No sign of any lambs yet amongst sheep in a nearby field

Fungi (as yet unidentified) growing on a tree stump

The Church of St Michael

Snowdrops covered the churchyard

Finally, arrived at Hay Wood - looks an interesting wood to walk round although I didn't have time today as it was time to return and meet David from his meeting.

After looking round the second hand bookshop (somehow resisted temptation of making several purchases) we went into the newly refurbished restaurant for coffee and cake.
Lovely to see pussy willow and daffodils on the tables.

The Lemon Cake was delicious

I also paid a brief visit to Millennium Wood recently in the hope of spotting Bullfinches or Redpolls. None around just the usual species - Blackbird, Wood Pigeon and Magpie but this friendly horse in a nearby paddock came to say "hello" !