I popped into Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens for an hour one afternoon last week. There is still plenty of colour in the flower beds but plenty of signs of Autumn - berries, seedheads and some autumn colour in the leaves.
Lady Bridgeman Garden - always looks lovely whatever the season with changing planting schemes.
Slender Vervain
Looking towards the Green House
Most of the fruit from the Orchards has now been collected in preparation for the yearly Apple Day - this year to be held on 6th and 7th October.
Cockspurthorn Berries
I couldn't find any sloes this year in the Extra Gardens and it seems to be a poor year for hawthorn berries as I only found a few.
These dangling berries looked like a fairy necklace
Tar Spot fungus on Sycamore leaves
The only other fungus I could find was in the Stumpery growing on a log.
Lots of Sunflowers are still flowering in the South Kitchen Garden although some are now going to seed.
A Red Admiral was fluttering around some of the flowers in the Vegetable Garden but I couldn't approach close enough for a photograph.
A few Honeysuckle flowers were found in the "Secret Garden".
Rosehips in the Lower Wilderness
I'd love to know the history of this stone found in the West Claire-vole - I haven't been able to find any information on it in any of the books I have on Castle Bromwich village and the Gardens and Hall.
Holly berries are ripening in Holly Walk
Autumn colours appearing in the Upper Wilderness
These pretty pink and purple flowers (I did once find out the species from one of the gardeners but sadly have now forgotten) were attracting a lot of bees
Thistle seedhead by the Visitor Centre
There were a few birds around - mainly Magpies, Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds and Blue Tits and I couldn't see any Moorhen on the North Pond. I'll visit again next month as the area always attracts overwintering Redwings and Fieldfares.
For more information on the Gardens including admission prices and opening hours please visit www.cbhgt.org.uk. For a fascinating series of posts on the gardens please follow the link to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Blog on "My Blog" list to the right.
So what is happening locally?
2 hours ago
I do enjoy going for a walk with you, you always catch the interesting things.
I have seen no crab apples or sloes this year but the hips and haws are in abundance, just as well for the birds that some berries have survived. I hope that this winter is not as harsh as the last three have been here.
Toffeeapple - Many thanks :) Hoping for a milder winter here too! Glad to hear there are plenty of hips and haws where you are to keep the birds going :)
Many thanks :)
A lovely look around one of your favourite places Caroline, so interesting to see the seasonal changes. Odd about the haws though, it seems to be a bumper year here for them and indeed for other hedgerow fruits including those Toffeeapple hasn't seen this time. Frightening to see how much the Holly berries have ripened! How on earth can it be October tomorrow when part of me is still forlornly waiting for Summer :-( I think you are as fanciful as me by the way with your fairy necklaces ;-)
Your photos are lovely again, so colourful. I do hope they leave the Sunflower seeds for the birds, I suspect they will, it looks like a bird friendly place with all the berries.
You must let us know if you find out about the stone, it does look intriguing.
ShySongbird - Hi Jan, Thanks for your lovely comment :) Lack of hawthorn berries may be just one of those things at the Gardens as I saw loads at Brandon Marsh. Sadly, we never get many in our own garden as I can't stop husband overpruning stuff and the hawthorns hardly flower :(
I can't believe its October soon either. I hate getting older every year the time whizzes by quicker than the year before :( Glad you liked the fairy necklaces - thought you might :)
I'll certainly let you know if I find out anything re: the "Stone" (the stone dog fascinates me too). I have asked one person but I'll ask more of the gardeners when I next go.
Gorgeous shots to herald in the Autumn. I have my eye on a few sloes at my local patch - for this years batch of Sloe Gin, but I'll try to hold off picking any till after the first frosts. Actually I think they may be bullaces as the bushes don't seem to have any thorns but they taste very similar.
Jerry - Many thanks for your lovely comment! Glad you have some sloes where you are :) Not tried Sloe Gin but whenever I see Elderberries I think of the Elderberry Wine my father used to make!
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