I popped into Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens for an hour one afternoon last week. There is still plenty of colour in the flower beds but plenty of signs of Autumn - berries, seedheads and some autumn colour in the leaves.
Lady Bridgeman Garden - always looks lovely whatever the season with changing planting schemes.
Slender Vervain
Looking towards the Green House
Most of the fruit from the Orchards has now been collected in preparation for the yearly Apple Day - this year to be held on 6th and 7th October.
Cockspurthorn Berries
I couldn't find any sloes this year in the Extra Gardens and it seems to be a poor year for hawthorn berries as I only found a few.
These dangling berries looked like a fairy necklace
Tar Spot fungus on Sycamore leaves
The only other fungus I could find was in the Stumpery growing on a log.
Lots of Sunflowers are still flowering in the South Kitchen Garden although some are now going to seed.
A Red Admiral was fluttering around some of the flowers in the Vegetable Garden but I couldn't approach close enough for a photograph.
A few Honeysuckle flowers were found in the "Secret Garden".
Rosehips in the Lower Wilderness
I'd love to know the history of this stone found in the West Claire-vole - I haven't been able to find any information on it in any of the books I have on Castle Bromwich village and the Gardens and Hall.
Holly berries are ripening in Holly Walk
Autumn colours appearing in the Upper Wilderness
These pretty pink and purple flowers (I did once find out the species from one of the gardeners but sadly have now forgotten) were attracting a lot of bees
Thistle seedhead by the Visitor Centre
There were a few birds around - mainly Magpies, Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds and Blue Tits and I couldn't see any Moorhen on the North Pond. I'll visit again next month as the area always attracts overwintering Redwings and Fieldfares.
For more information on the Gardens including admission prices and opening hours please visit www.cbhgt.org.uk. For a fascinating series of posts on the gardens please follow the link to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Blog on "My Blog" list to the right.
Fuente de Piedra 24/03/25
1 hour ago