I stopped off at Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens this afternoon. These lovely Gardens have been restored to the period 1680-1740 by Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Trust.
Lady Bridgeman's Garden



Pansies in a stone trough in the Melon Grounds

Slender Vervain or Verbena rigida
To read more about this plant please visit the Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens blog at www.castlebromwichhallgardenstrust.blogspot.co.uk or follow the link from my Blog list on the right hand side of the page.

The Green House - geraniums and auricula theatre

I've not noticed this bug house near North Orchard before

I saw quite a few Speckled Wood butterflies in the Extra Gardens

Reedmace and North Pond

I could only see one Moorhen on the pond today - I hope the young survived.
Fox and Cubs (again - as you can see they pop up everywhere I go!)


South Kitchen Garden - fashioned after Betty Langley's design taken from his book "New Principles of Gardening", 1728

The "Secret Garden"

I sheltered in the Summer House from the rain for a while and discovered a display of photos of some of the past owners of Castle Bromwich Hall (today the Hall is a hotel).
Orlando Bridgeman (1819-98) and Selina Bridgeman (1819-94) by the Hall

Orlando - 1695-1764 - son of John Bridgeman II

Orlando Bridgeman 1762-1825 - 1st Earl of Bradford

Extract from a map dated 1886 showing the Gardens and nearby area

Walking round the Gardens there was lots of evidence to suggest that Autumn is just around the corner.
Horse Chestnut (Conker)

Sadly, unlike last year, it doesn't look as though there will be a very good apple and pear crop this year. The Orchards have a wonderful variety of apples and pears from the Seventeenth and early 18th centuries
"Colonel Vaughan"

"Cornish Aromatic"

Toadstools in Nut Ground

Cockspur Thorn berries

Black Mulberry - the fruits look like a cross between raspberry and blackberry!



For more information on the Gardens please visit www.cbhgt.org.uk