Its been a rather hectic 10 days (too many birthdays falling near each other!!) so I haven't been able to do as much as I planned and hoped for 30 Days Wild. Most of the activities have been done in the garden or when I've been out and about.
Monday,15th June
Spent a little time looking round the garden for Day Flying Moths and spotted Pyrausta aurata (Mint Moth) and this lovely Silver-ground Carpet which is a new species for the garden.
I am not including moth trapping sessions for 30 Days Wild as I would be doing this anyway but I just had to post a picture of this gorgeous Maiden's Blush (a new species for the garden) and a change from the drab brown noctuids I mainly trap!
Tuesday - Time spent watching clouds in the sky
and releasing a Tree Bumble Bee which had somehow found its way indoors.
I love the smell of the garden after it has been raining so I went a walk round after the rain finally stopped.
There was a beautiful sunset that evening.
Thursday - We spent the day at Coughton Court so I looked for dragon and damselflies around the river and lake - Common Blue Damselfly was the only species seen. No photos it was too far away I am afraid.
Friday - I put up a miniature insect hotel in the garden.
Saturday - more rain in the morning so when it finally stopped I wandered round the garden taking photos of flowers with raindrops.
Last year I found a beautiful urban wildflower meadow which some of you may remember. I returned to the area and was really pleased to see that there is a meadow there again this year - dominated by Ox-eye Daisies.
We then drove on to an urban office building where I know Peregrine Falcons have nested on and off for years and yes, they were still there. This looks like a youngster to me.
Would just add that we were a very long way from the nest which was on the top floor of the building and the photos were taken with the Canon Bridge on full zoom.
It was supposed to be a good night to see the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). I looked for ages in vain - like the rest of the country the skies were cloudy :(
D and I were in Stratford for the day visiting some more of the Shakespeare Houses (will do a post soon) - we spent a few minutes by the river watching the Mute Swans and Mallard - no photos (the batteries on both cameras had gone completely flat by this time!).
I did spend some time last night looking for caterpillars in the garden nettle patch.
I couldn't find any but there were signs of leaf miners.
Today, Wednesday
B's birthday today so a lunch-time meal at The Bear, Berkswell. Watched Swallows feeding young in a nest built in the porch of the pub.
Honeysuckle is flowering in the garden and I am just about to go and see if its attracting any moths. (The scent from the flowers is amazing!).
Fuente de Piedra 24/03/25
1 hour ago