I have, however, managed to add 2 new species to the garden list for 2013 - Early Grey found in the garage and Brindled Beauty trapped on 20th May together with a couple of Clouded Drabs
Early Grey

Brindled Beauty

The first Blue Tit egg was laid in the nest box on Saturday morning and another added yesterday. I can't see if we are now up to three because she has completely covered them with moss and feathers.
The frog tadpoles started emerging last Tuesday, 23rd April and two butterflies spotted flying through the garden were the first garden sightings for this year - Male butter-coloured Brimstone on 23rd and Peacock on 20th. Common newt numbers are increasing in the pond since the first sighting this year on 20th April.
Afternoon Tea
Last Tuesday afternoon Emily and I went for a treat at Castle Bromwich Hall Hotel - Champagne Afternoon Tea. Emily had given me a voucher for my birthday but I wanted to wait until the weather had improved and it was lovely and sunny last Tuesday.
Castle Bromwich Hall Hotel

Champagne tea is served!!

We went a walk round the Best Gardens attached to the Hotel after tea. There were several peacock butterflies fluttering around though none within reach of camera lens!
Best Garden looking towards St Mary and St Margaret's Church

Best Garden looking towards rear of Hotel

Emily and I were surmising on the rather lovely views you would get from this tower of Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens.

The Hotel has been beautifully renovated and restored and I do hope they make a success of it.