I saw a few more birds there today - blackbird, magpie, wood pigeon, robin, blue tit, sparrowhawk and fleeting glimpses of a flock of redwings.
The light was poor today but here are some of the photos I took.

This pretty plant is Salvia horminium. Its been in "flower" at the Gardens for months now and I really must plant some of this annual in our garden next year.

St Mary and St Margaret's Church

I visited part of the gardens today (near to the hall) where I haven't been before. You can only gain entry to this part if you go on a guided tour so a kind volunteer gave us a tour just of this part of the Gardens.
Parterre in the North Garden with Castle Bromwich Hall in the background

Ornamental Gate (restored by the Trust) once used by residents of the Hall to reach the Church

I've put my moth trap out tonight but things are not looking promising - I checked a few minutes ago and there were no moths in the trap (again) and its also started to rain. I suspect it won't take long to empty in the morning!