Thursday 20 October 2022

October Visit to Herefordshire - Part 5: Burford House Gardens


Saturday we came home. I would have loved to stay longer especially as the weather forecast looked good for a few days but it didn't seem fair to leave E on her own any longer and we were worried what the demolition squad next door might be up to! Believe me there is nothing left of that house adjoining ours just the main supporting exterior walls and some of the windows. The extension has been taken down entirely, floors and plaster removed throughout the house and the roof still has to come off!! No news from Planning Department about the owner using plans now that were not approved and given planning permission. In fact the dormer and extra windows at rear of house will contravene special conditions that were made on the the original approval!!!! To be honest we just despair. 

We decided to come home via Tenbury Wells so we could re-visit Burford House Gardens on the return journey.  It is a garden that looks lovely whatever the season and I am so glad we discovered it.

Where a brook joins the River Teme in this area is the point where the three counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire meet.  No kingfishers to be seen on the river on this visit.

The little willow arches at the edge of the path are sprouting now :)

In the background you can see the tower from St Mary's church Burford. Some of you will recall I have searched for relatives' graves in the churchyard as I knew my paternal grandmother's parents and her brother were buried here as they lived in Burford. I've failed to discover the graves so a few months ago I emailed the church who were very helpful. The church warden (who, as a bonus knows a lot about the history of the church) has offered to show me. Unfortunately this visit to the gardens was a spur of the moment decision so it was too late to phone him  on this occasion.

Before we left we decided to sit outside the nursery's cafe and have tea and cake.  This Christmas Tree on display seems horribly early to me! But there were more seasonal autumnal and Hallowe'een decorations too.

Lots of berries by the nursery and car park - it may be a good place to check for Waxwings later in the year :)







I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. Photos marked *D taken by my son with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one of mine or my son's I would be grateful for an email first. Thanks).


  1. That is a very pretty garden to visit, looked peaceful. Cake looked good

  2. Billy Blue Eyes - Thanks so much. The gardens are small but lovely.

  3. I feel for you, I really do, with all that building work going on. I had building work on either side of me at the same time four years ago and it is a nightmare.

    At least you managed to get away from it for a few nights, and the garden is really lovely. It must have been a real treat to wander around it and see all the lovely flowers. It's amazing what you see still bringing colour into the garden at this time of year.

    Lovely to see Timothy popping up, although I must express concern over his appearance in front of the Lifebelts. I do hope this doesn't mean he was considering going for a swim.

  4. Rustic Pumpkin - Thank you so much. What you experienced would have been a nightmare. I would go round the bend I think if we didn't have somewhere to escape too.

    lol re: Timothy. He assures you he was not going for a swim - too cold!!! :)

  5. the garden looks lovely and I am sorry re house!

  6. The Quacks of Life - Thanks so much. We should have moved we had a year to get out! Burford House Gardens worth a visit and the church if you are nearby :)

  7. I really need to find out how to access this garden. We have only ever seen the part in front of the house.

    I have another friend that often shows pictures of the garden that I have not seen.

  8. CherryPie - Thanks so much. Access easy. No ticket office for anything. Free but they do say a donation would be nice. As you stand in front of the house on the road at far right of house is a path down side of house that you follow down hill. As you start on the right is a white pagoda/summer house type building. Or leave the cafe at nurseries and keep going straight.

  9. Such a beautiful garden to return to and a nice break on your way home. The work next door sounds absolutely horrendous, I don't suppose it will be done quickly either. Good to see Timothy in his jumper, he'll soon need the scarf that goes with it:)

  10. Rosie - Thanks so much. Yes it was worth going back the longer route via Tenbury Wells just to extend the holiday another hour or so.
    Its going to take at least a year building wise. And now hit another problem because this perishing Party Wall AGreement allows them minimum access to put up scaffolding and take it down. Thankfully they can only access scaffolding from their side and it has to be screened off for our privacy. Well we didn't want them going through our garage or having to leave doors open due to expensive tools etc in there. So Brian chopped down partof laurel bush just past the patio so they could get through there and gap will then be covered our side with fencing panel. But lo and behold they have gone out further with rear extension than plans suggested so now they can't get through and we are not cutting our laurel completely down! It is a complete nightmare and Planning still ignoring our further emails even though so many breaches :(

  11. I was wondering about the building works so thanks for the update, but sorry that you have to put up with it all. Thank god you can escape! I enjoyed this post and the previous post too, the Fishpools walk. Loved all the fungi and leaves, and this garden is still looking very colourful and pretty.

  12. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much. Caravan is working out expensive to run tbh but I am so glad we have somewhere away from here to escape to! I suspect the work will be going on for another 10 months at least :( Then we will have a vile monstrosity to look at if other building works round here are anything to go by!
