Monday 17 October 2022

October Visit to Herefordshire - Part 4 Fishpool Valley Walk at Croft Castle


On the Thursday after a picnic lunch and cup of tea in the car we debated whether to follow the  Ancient Tree Trail or walk along Fishpool Valley. In the end we did the latter.

Sheep along the drive.

Already I am lagging behind!!!  

Down into the wooded valley. It is a deeply incised coombe and a small stream has been dammed in places to make a series of small pools.

The valley was originally landscaped by Thomas Johnes II in the late 18th century and possibly into the early 19th century.  

There is a history of light industry in the valley - wood fired lime kilns, quarries and charcol burning.

The site is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and home to the native protected white clawed crayfish in the ponds.

In 2017 the National Trust restored the valley back to its "Picturesque" origins.

The Gothic Pumphouse recently restored.  It was built to feed water up to the castle and was in advance of its time.

Along the path we had met a lady who told us about an impressive display of different species of fungi by what I think is possibly an old quarry.

You can walk further but again we left the valley at this point.







On Friday the weather was not good - sunshine and very heavy prolonged showers so we stayed at the caravan although now I wish I had ventured to a local church.  We came home on the Saturday as E was on her own but did journey via Tenbury Wells stopping off at Burford House Gardens which will be the subject of my last post on this short break.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera and those marked *D taken by my son with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).

Reference: National Trust Guide Book to Croft Castle


  1. Simon Douglas Thompson - Thanks - they are unusual.

  2. What a lovely place to visit and walk. I would be lagging behind too. I think those supposed with cameras do tend to lag!!! I love how you pick out things. You don't just take landscapes and buildings. It's the photographs of leaves and fungi, and that big old log pile. They're the ones that I like the best. Sad not to see Timothy out and about today.

  3. A peaceful place for a walk. Loved the Gothic Pumphouse. Lots of fungi about this year - I shall do a local walk through the woods and see what is there.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Rustic Pumpkin - thanks so much for your lovely comment and kind words.Both comments did come through so deleted second one now. I always get distracted with camera in hand and then I spot flowers and butterflies and fungi. I do try and notice the detail and some of it I have learned from watching David take pics.

    Bovey Belle - Thanks so much. I wish I was better at identifying fungi but I am rubbish apart from a few distinctive ones! I used to try and id but didn't get time for this post.

  6. What a super walk. Lots of lovely Autumnal colour and great fungi. Love the black sheep. I do lag behind sometimes but then Paul is usually dashing on to take a photo of something he's seen so I do catch up again:)

  7. Rosie - Thanks so much. I wonder if the black sheep are a heritage breed? I think if 2 of you have cameras there is less of a lagging problem but I don't think D was taking as many photos as me this time.

  8. The sheep are really interesting.

    It looks like you had a lovely walk :-)
