Monday 24 October 2022

2nd October Visit to Herefordshire - Part 1: St Leonard's Church, Herefordshire Tree and This and That


We spent another 3 nights in Herefordshire recently. To be honest it was a bit soon to return but E was on holiday and wanted to go as she hasn't been much this year. So all four of us went for a break.

We arrived Saturday teatime. Sunday was a lovely day and we did a click and collect at Morrisons Leominster and then watched Villa on tv.

Monday we spent the day in Ledbury which I will write a few posts about. So pleased to finally visit the church there. We came home Tuesday late afternoon but before we left D and I went for a wander round the lovely St Leonards at Hatfield which is the nearest church being just along the lane.  I did go in search of Waxcaps as I gather churchyards are a good location to find them. Sadly, I didn't find any fungi at all.

The nave is C11th and was extended in the C14th.  To see the church interior and read more of the history please see St Leonard's Hatfield

Red Sky at night........

Followed by murky mist and then lovely clear blue skies and sunshine.

David grabbed my camera to take these as for some unknown reason he didn't take the Canon on this visit.

D's being doing this jigsaw with a bit of help for several visits now and its finally finished.

Herefordshire Oak with again a slight hint of colour change in the leaves.

We saw a pair of ravens flying over the site several times - a new tick for Hatfield and owls screeching one night probably not Tawny but they do I think get Barn Owls there although I haven't seen one. One evening we watched half a dozen bats foraging over the hedgerow at the rear of the caravan. D and I are keen to buy a bat detector which I've wanted for years. I have a "big birthday" this year so that will go on the list!!!

Edit  Nothing to do with Herefordshire but I was pleased this morning (24th October) to see this Red Admiral warming itself in the sun on the patio.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Photos all taken with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera (I don't particularly rate most of my photos but if anyone wishes to use one or more could they please email me first - thanks).


  1. At least you got a way for a nice break and the weather was good to you, more than I can say we had here yesterday because today we were sorting out some storm damage in our garden, our beautiful potato vine really cropped it and we had to cut it right back and I fear it may not survive.

  2. Ps Church out my blog this Sunday and the Rood screen

  3. Hello Timothy, lovely to see you looking so cheerful in your brightly coloured jumper.
    Is there a reason for all the sunflowers round that arch, do you know?
    There's certainly a lot of acorns in that one photo, and I've heard a few people say they think this a lot of acorns this year. So give it a few hundred years and there will be plenty of oak trees everywhere, not just one on its own in a field in Herefordshire!

  4. Billy Blue Eyes - Thanks so much and I am sory your potato vine was so badly damaged in the storm. Always upsetting at thought of losing a much loved plant. I look forward to the Rood Screen on Sunday.

    Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. Timothy waves back. I don't know but I am sure on the last visit I saw a lot more sunflowers round the church when we drove past so perhaps they had a sunflower festival. I could ask Karen owner of site if I fail to find out. I will check out the church website if they have one. I was seeing a lot of acorns on this trip! :)

  5. Lovely post and great that you could all go together for a short break. You saw lots of lovely things in the churchyard an around your caravan site. Great to see both bats and Red Admiral, I hope a bat detector wings itself your way for a birthday treat:)

  6. Rosie - Thanks so much. It was nice to be together for few days. Thankyou re: the bat detector.The older yu get hard to think of ideas for presents as you hve so much jewllery which I rarely wear and too many ornaments! I would always like books but a slight problem there as OH says I already have far to many and bookcases set up is full :( ButI've wanted a bat detector for years.

  7. The churchyard looks lovely.

    Oak trees are always one of the last trees to change colour in autumn. The Oak Tree at the back of my garden often clings onto its leaves until well into the winter months.

  8. CherryPie - Thank you and for the information on the oak tree at the back of your garden.
