Wednesday 22 June 2022

National Herb Centre and my Garden

 A few days after we returned from Herefordshire we visited the National Herb Centre near Banbury.  D and I have been several times before but it was B and E's first visit.  We hoped to walk the lovely nature trails there. I'd checked the weather forecast which suggested 15% chance of rain well you guessed it just after we arrived it rained so nature trail walks were abandoned especially as there wouldn't have been any butterflies around which are the highlight of the walks.

So we had a look round the herb centre and nursery.

I fell in love with this dragon garden ornament last year and it is still there but far too expensive to buy as a treat.  

I am not so keen on this one.

Many pots for sale. After I was annoyed I hadn't bought one of the half hooped barrels they had for sale as it would have been ideal to plant the herbs we bought to take to Herefordshire.

There are a lot of herbs for sale and many many varieties of each type. They are not overly expensive either unlike many of the nurseries nearer home.

On the way to the nature trails there are colourful borders and about 7 individual herb gardens - sadly I didn't look at these this time as the rain was getting heavier.

Timothy keeping dry in the car!

These are the herbs I bought along with a lavender and nasturtium.


Back at home the Christmas Tree in a pot has a lot of new growth.

Valerian and Sage in flower

There are lots of buttercups in the wildflower area this year and yellow rattle is doing a wonderful job of controlling the couch grass so that other flowers can thrive.

Posy picked from the garden.

Honesty is now going to seed and I was really pleased to find three Orange Tip Caterpillars.

I should have mentioned a few posts back that coming back from Herefordshire a few weeks ago we found the blue tit nest box full of dead chicks. It was really upsetting especially as they had seemed to be thriving and both parents were taking in food. It was distressing to see the female trying to remove the chicks.  I did wonder if she might make another nesting attempt (I know it is rare but not unknown) but she hasn't.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (If anyone ever wishes to use any of my photos or my son's I would be very grateful if they could email me first - thanks).


  1. I assume you mean Banbury in Oxfordshire which is north of where I live, quite a way north even though I'm in Oxfordshire. Never knew there was a National herb Centre there. We only grow a few that I know of but then there may be more I don't recognise. I have a few stone dragons in our garden, the favourite is the sleeping one. Visited 7 churches on Tuesday near Swindon and only did not get in two, I was worn out at the end

  2. Billy Blue Eyes. Thanks so much and yes its by Banbury Oxfordshire. About an hour for us if motorways ok. Lovely place and nature trails and lotsof butterflies if weather good! We do grow quite a few herbs as use them in cooking and flowers are good for bees :) Most apart from basil seem to be perennial and return each year. Have some in a border and some in pots. How lovely to have your own dragons :) I saw one yesterday that was cheaper and tempting! Nice church by Banbury and village - Adderbury. Had a lovely day out there with my son. Seven heck that is a lot no wonder you are worn out!!!!! Sorry about two being closed but five open is good :) Look forward to your posts on churches :)

  3. The herb centre looks wonderful it was a shame about the rain and not being alble to walk the nature trails. Such a shame too about the blue tit chicks. You have some lovely garden flowers, like you we have lots of buttercups amongst the grass in the 'wild' area of the garden but the yellow rattle we put in didn't survive, I don't know why. Glad Timothy stayed dry in the car:)

  4. Rosie Thank so much. We shouldn't have risked that day really but I knew roadworks and closures M42 were coming up and wanted to avoid that!! It is very sad re: blue tits. A shame about your yellow rattle. I think OH cleared our area which was once a grass/wildflower area and then scattered the yellow rattle seed. So sorry yours didn't survive for some reason.

  5. pity about the rain spoiling the nature trails :( an excuse to go back though!

  6. The Quacks of Life - Thanks and indeed it is :)

  7. I do love that place and am very envious as I’d love a place like that here! So many herbs flower beautifully and and are great for pollinators. Shame about the rain though! I haven’t been on main computer for a while so haven’t had a chance to reply to your comment on my last blog, sorry. This week has been very busy. Brother left on Monday but have had various appts this week, and hoping to visit a new (to us) bird reserve tomorrow, not too far from home that we only recently discovered existed! Behind on my holiday blog posts too as usual!

  8. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much. It is a lovely place but about an hour from home. Pkease don't worry about replying to my comments you sound busy! I know when I go away so easy to get behind with blog posts. I tend to do them now in draft when I have some spare time and publish when ready. Enjoy your new bird reserve :)

  9. It is so sad to hear about the blue tit chicks. I wonder what happened to them.

    The National Herb Centre looks really interesting, I must check it out next time we visit Banbury.

  10. CherryPie - Thank you and it was sad no idea why though. National Herb Centre worth a visit if you are in the area :)
