Sunday 26 June 2022

Brief Trip to Herefordshire - Part 1: Bringsty Vintage Centre, Herefordshire Oak and Garden Plants


We returned to Herefordshire last week just for three nights as it was B's birthday on Friday and he wanted to be home for that.

We stopped off at the Bringsty Vintage Centre on the way as I wanted to see if they had any hooped half barrels. They have an awful lot of items there but I failed to spot what I was looking for.

I did like this stone dragon and it was quite a bit cheaper than the one at the National Herb Centre. Still a bit expensive for a "treat" though and its a good job I wasn't tempted as when I got back to the car and told B he said what on earth would you want one of those for! He does not share my love of dragons!

Some of the herbs bought from the National Herb Centre were planted although I didn't take them all as I will see how these fare as there will be dry periods when we are not there to water them.

The next day we stopped off in Tenbury Wells at the Barn Farm shop to buy a dwarf sunflower and some French Marigolds.

The foxgloves B grew from seed are looking lovely :)

The Herefordshire Oak

We inherited a lovely rose in the small garden there.  Such a delicate colour and scent.

We spent the next few days exploring Burford - I went back to St Mary's Church there and had a much better look round the interior, we visited the large garden centre  and the following day we returned to look round the lovely Burford House Gardens. So I'll do a few posts in the next week or two on these.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (If anyone ever wishes to use any of my photos I would be grateful if they could email me first - thanks :)   ).


  1. Glad you were able to have another short visit to Herefordshire. The vintage centre looks full of wonderful things. I like the dragon he'd look great in either of your gardens. You have some lovely flowers in your caravan garden, love the foxgloves and the rose and the Oak tree is looking magnificent now:)

  2. Rosie - Thanks so much Rosie. Yes its a fascinating place. There is an indoor area too but I didn't go in there this time. Some of the items are dear though. B has gradually cleared some of the border under the hawthorn hedge too which gives us a bit more room for plants.

  3. Happy Birthday B. However, if B does not like dragons, we can never be friends.
    It tickles my funny bone to see watering cans like I use daily in "vintage collectables". The Hereford Oak is progressing well.

  4. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. Those vintage watering cans and milk churns but were very expensive!!! Although I thought the dragon wasn't a bad price. Nice place to browse :)

  5. Been past it many times and remember it being a garage before the second hand place took it over. Must admit the stuff looks interesting from what I have seen though we have never bothered to stop there

  6. Billy Blue Eyes - Thanks so uch. Nice place for a browse and thereis a coffee shop although I haven't been in there. My daughter likes vintage items and wanted to stop off the first time but I think I enjoyed it more than her!

  7. Just the sort of place I love! Zinc watering cans are wonderfully decorative. Maybe better to look at flea markets though if they are expensive like you say (for your barrel that is). Hope your plants in pots will be ok when you are not there.

  8. Millymollymandy - thanks so much. Places like that can be a bit OTT re: prices!!! Yes I am worried about the plants in pots. Planned to go back next week but now I have a perishing medical appt so can't go now :( Should have put in upturned wine bottles filled with water!

  9. I love dragons and angels in equal measures. I have several dragons around the house including one that sleeps underneath an outside bench. The angels come out at Christmas time and sing celestial tunes from within the branches of my Christmas trees :-)

  10. CherryPie - Thank you. I love both too :)
