
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."

From "Auguries of Innocence"

by William Blake

Sunday 20 June 2021

Walk along a Warwickshire Canal


Just over a week ago D and I decided on a canal walk - we weren't sure where but I decided to head towards South Warwickshire and the Lapworth area and we ended up at the Stratford upon Avon canal at Lowsonford where we have walked before.

We parked by a buttercup field.

We went on a Friday afternoon and it was much quieter than it is at weekends! 

There were lots of buttercups, plus yellow flag, red campion, hogweed, speedwell and cow parsley along the side of the tow path.

Before leaving I drove through the village of Lowsonford to look for the church.  An interesting looking footpath there!

The church of St Luke, Lowsonford.  I didn't have time to go in the churchyard unfortunately. I also rediscovered another pub we used to visit - The Fleur de Lys and on the road to Rowington was a pub Dad and Mum used to visit - the Tom o' the Wood.

A few of D's photos from the walk

We didn't see any butterflies, damsel or dragonflies and again bee numbers were low but D did manage to photo this Nettle Tap moth (thanks to Dean and Amanda on twitter for confirming my id).

D and E have been baking together again. They used the recipe and contents of another Great British Bake Off Box to make mini banana loaves!

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.


Rustic Pumpkin said...

What a delightful walk along the canal. Nature and a river {well, sort of river!} The flowers look glorious, late Spring at it's very best. A good place to go, but a tad narrow if you encounter someone coming towards you.

Ragged Robin said...

Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. I have been keeping away from canals because of narrow tow paths! But that was wider than some and we only saw two cyclists and one pedestrian. I just sort of turn my back and go as far onto the verge as I can! But at least it got us out - have been feeling guilty recently over D and I not having days out not helped tbh by trips to OFFA.

Millymollymandy said...

There's something about a walk beside a canal, isn't there?! Looks so peaceful and beautiful. Glad you are getting out a lot now! :-)

Pam said...

It looks and idyllic and very people free, perfect! The banana loaves look delicious, i've only ever tried banana bread once and it was quite nice, I don't bake enough!

Rosie said...

Lovely, a super walk. The towpaths look lush and green and full of flowers, it must have looked and sounded beautiful. Good to get a glimpse of the church, I hope you will return when things open up again and follow the footpath too. The cakes look delicious. Two butterflies in the garden today a Small Tortoiseshell and what I thought was a Speckled Wood. Take care:)

Ragged Robin said...

Millymollymandy - Thank you. Making the best of going out in case we have another lockdown despite BOJO's inevitable optimism :( Yes canal walks are special :)

Pam - Thank you . Yes it was people free - last time we went on a weekend a few years ago it was much busier!!! Banana bread is tasty and also banana muffins are good - great way to use up overripe bananas!!

Rosie - Thank you. It was good to be on a towpath again and see all the flowers. Footpath looks well worth a follow - I will check the os map and see where it goes :) Well done on the butterflies. Did have a Speckled Wood in the garden at the weekend :) Cakes were good but I only had one as trying to go gluten free!

Amanda Peters said...

I love walking along the canal, but even before covid it was always a busy place. Looks like you picked a nice day, lovely wild flowers, great photos.
Amanda xx

Ragged Robin said...

Amanda Peters - Thanks so much. The canals round here are always busy :(

CherryPie said...

This looks like a fabulous walk :-)

Ragged Robin said...

CherryPie - Thank you - it is a particularly lovely area of Warwickshire :)