Sunday 13 September 2020

Test Post - Please ignore!

Just trying a test post with new blogger. Will add a few photos and see what they look like So far totally confused by it all - Problem 1 (can't seem to add labels!). If this is a failure I will be reverting back to old blogger for as long as I can!
Finally worked out how to do labels!!! I will have forgotten by the time I come to do the next post! Off to preview and publish. Depending on results next post will either be attempted with new Blogger or I will revert back!! Oh heck - next problem I can't work out how to save! Ok found out now! Please excuse my thoughts! Will be interesting to see how this turns out! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know they always 'upgrade' but I wonder why when cost doesn't seem to be involved (it proabably is somehow). We can't be the only ones groaning under the new system, can we, RR? On a more cheerful note... wonderful to see your pictures of beautiful Croft!
