Sunday, 13 September 2020

Herefordshire - Part 2: St Michael and All Angels, Croft Castle

Here we go then! First proper post with new blogger. Actually it does not seem that much different apart from the fact that there are more features. I am still reserving judgement however and playing safe! So rather than combining the church with the ancient tree walk, I will make them into two posts. Having looked at preview - have encountered another problem Some sentences should be on a new line and new paragraph but in actual fact have been added to the end of the preceding paragraph!!! I do hope you can still add all the photos first and then insert text between them. At the moment this seems to be a problem! Has anyone else encountered this?? Perhaps I am supposed to format the text or some such thing? Mmmm tried to change it and insert more lines etc but things that look on different lines on the draft page are all running into each other! Perhaps I will just have to learn to do things differently and upload photos one at a time adding text as I go along? There again what happens if you want to edit or change something? I will publish anyway and see what happens! St Michael and All Angels
The church which is next to Croft Castle is medieval with an early to mid 14th century chancel and nave. The timber bell turret dates back to 1700.
I am pretty sure the church was locked. So what did I miss inside? There are `14th century stained glass pieces, 15th century tiles and apparently a rather splendid tomb to Sir Richard Croft. All being well I will be able to see the interior next year. All Photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera.


  1. Well done. A couple of things, first {not a problem, but you might want to know} your text width seems a little wider. Second, there's a drop down menu to the right of Text Size, and I found using that helped me with my paragraph and sentence spacing {if that's what you meant?} I found by stopping typing at the end of the sentence, then selecting from that drop down menu before hitting enter, I had control over the spacing. Third, I have successfully inserted text between photos, but sometimes I have to override the justification, other times not, and no idea why. It's trial and error mostly, but we all seem to be helping each other along. I'll dm you a link to a blog where the author addressed a lot of questions and put together a comprehensive list of solutions.

    After all that, your photos seem to have a lovely quality of light on them today!

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thank you and I would really appreciate that link to a blog which might explain. Not sure about text width it looks the same to me! Just please let me know if you can't read it or words are being cut off!

    The problem I have is that there is nothing to suggest I have a Test Size feature :( There is stuff along the top which allows you to use italics or bold, or insert photos or videos etc. etc. but nothing on text size. I wonder if it is the layout of blogger I chose (the basic one!) which means I have less features??

    Also, sorry to sound so thick! When you talk about inserting text between photos not quite sure what you mean by over-riding the justification!! Gosh my technical skills are so limited!

    The lines in the draft are now numbered which is completely new!

    I was relieved about photos because another blogger had problems with the quality. The first few photos were taken almost into the sun which did affect the light a bit and the last few were taken from another angle with the sun behind me.

    Unfortunately my son doesn't blog any more so I can't ask him for help but I do remember his "new post" page always looked different to mine!

    Thanks again - all help greatly appreciated!

  3. It is a lovely little church. I was able to inside when I visited but I don't have many photos to show for it.

  4. CherryPie - Thank you and perhaps next year it will have re-opened.
