Monday 24 June 2019

Anglesey - Day One - Saturday, 15th June - Arrival

We decided to visit a new island this year for our main holiday. I've been to Anglesey before once or twice as a child and then for an "A" Level Geography field trip but my memories of Anglesey are vague and B, D and E have never been.


It was raining heavily on the M6!


We decided to take the more scenic route and travelled via the M6, M54 and then A5 rather than travelling much further north on the M6 and taking the North Wales Expressway.

Timothy was looking forward to Anglesey.

I just managed to get a photo of the Welcome to Wales sign and by now the rain had stopped and the sun was shining.

I spotted these ruins on a hilltop near Llangollen a few years ago when B and I had a short break in Portmeirion. A bit of googling suggests it is the 13th century ruins of Castell Dinas Bran which looks worth a visit. It was a good job I wasn't driving as I would make far too many detours and never get to the destination.


We stopped to eat our sandwiches in Corwen and had a quick wander round the town.


The sculpture of Owain Glyndwr (c1359 - c1415) is impressive. He led a national revolt against English rule in Wales commencing in 1400 from his stronghold in Corwen. The Welsh Parliament proclaimed him Prince of Wales and he was the last native Welshman to hold the title. Initially he won many battles gaining control of much of Wales and made alliances with France, Ireland and Scotland. He proposed an independent church in Wales and two universities. His quest to gain Welsh independence from English rule eventually failed and he died in obscurity having never accepted the pardons offered to him.

Our journey continued and we reached

the mountains of Snowdonia.




This helicopter was hovering low over the mountains - we weren't sure if it was a mountain rescue or just a training exercise.


Having failed to spot the "Dragon of Bethesda" (a giant dragon carved from a fallen tree) we detoured to Caernarfon to buy some food and across the road from Morrisons car park was our first view of Anglesey across the Menai Straits.


We planned to cross the straits via the Menai Suspension bridge but ended up getting lost and crossing by the Britannia Bridge.

Our first view of the lovely town of Beaumaris.


We were staying in the little hamlet of Penmon about 3 miles from Beaumaris and the house was just superb with the most stunning views over the Menai Straits to Snowdonia.





The kitchen door had a lovely stained glass Dragonfly.


The cottage was really spacious and all of the bedrooms and the lounge had the same wonderful views and one bedroom had a little terrace where you could enjoy breakfast or read a book.

The garden was large and terraced with lots of little paths, "wild areas", many places to sit and relax and a couple of tiny pools.

Several pairs of House Martins were nesting above this window and we were able to watch them taking food to the nests.

D's record shot of one of the birds.


The garden had loads of these plants which were a magnet for bees. I think they may be Echiums and they are triennial but I would love some of these in my garden.

Later in the evening we went a short walk along lanes by the cottage.






Later that evening there were lovely views of the moon shining on the Menai Straits


Apologies for the amount of photos of the house and garden but I do tend to also use my blog as a personal journal to record days out and holidays.

The next couple of posts will be about our visit to Penmon Priory, Church, Dovecote and St Seiriol's holy well plus Penmon Point with views of the lighthouse and Puffin Island followed by a walk through a local nature reserve to a hidden castle.

*D photos taken by D with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera
Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera


  1. Very much looking forward to seeing what you discover on Anglesey. Personally, I have always thought Snowdonia looks better from a distance than up close. No idea why. I have never been to Anglesey. Timothy looks very happy and excited!

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thank you so much I do hope you enjoy the photos and places we visited on Anglesey - it really is a rather special place. I think I know what you mean about Snowdonia - it certainly looked good at a distance from Anglesey! :) Timothy did enjoy although one day I nearly lost him! Talk about panic. Will relate the story in a later post!!

  3. Your house looks lovely with such beautiful views, what a super place to stay. We always stop at Corwen on our way over to Porthmadog as Llangollen is always so busy and it is often hard to park. I'll catch up with your next posts about your holiday when I get back from mine:)

  4. Looks like you found a wonderful place to stay. It is always great when you don't have disappointments with accommodation you have booked without ever having seen it.

  5. Rosie - Thanks so much. We were over the moon with the house - probably the best place all round we have ever stopped in. Llangollen did look a lot busier! Big empty car park at Corwen :) I do hope you have a lovely holiday with good weather and I look forward to seeing your posts.

    David M Gascoigne - Thank you. I must admit I am very picky about where we stay - I spend hours trying to find the right place! We usually use a cottage company where you can see lots of photos and read reviews. So far we have been lucky and most have been really good.

  6. What a lovely place to stay, and those views - beautiful. I have enjoyed all the photos so far and can't wait to see your views of Anglesey.

  7. Bovey Belle - Thanks so much.The views were just wonderful. Lots of photos to come!

  8. It looks a very nice place to stay, especially the house and garden. I love how it got sunnier through your photos, looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos.
    Amanda xx

  9. Amanda Peters - Thanks so much. I can't believe how lucky we were with the weather!

  10. What a beautiful place to stay, it kind of makes you just want to sit in the garden the whole holiday....almost! Your photos do it justice :)

  11. Pam - Thanks so much - it was without doubt one of the best places we have ever stayed. The garden was full of bees and birds too. I have never seen so many bird species in a holiday cottage garden before.

  12. The house and gardens look lovely and so do the views.

  13. CherryPie - Thank you - I could live in that house permanently!

  14. Wonderful! I remember staying in Beaumaris... and our trip to Penmon!

  15. Caroline Gill - Thank you and Beaumaris would be a lovely town to stay in. We were about 3 miles away. I loved Penmon :)
