Thursday 21 March 2024

First Visit to Herefordshire 2024


We visited the caravan for the first time this year last week. Although the weather forecast was poor at least we were able to take back the items we had brought home and make up the beds and stock up on food.

We had a very good journey there on the Wednesday and it only took 90 minutes.  Once the car was unpacked and we had had lunch we went to Morrisons Leominster as we had a click and collect booked and needed petrol.

Thursday weather was mixed so we stayed on the site and I took a few photos of the trees and the garden.

The Herefordshire Oak - looking similar to how it did in December!

The Constable  and Octopus trees also bare of leaves.

The herbs have survived well over the last few months.

The pink primula that was flowering in December is still covered in flowers!

There are primroses in the garden and they are covering the grassy banks around the site.

The copse in sunlight with rain clouds gathering behind. 

When we arrived (and as we left on the Saturday!) a pair of Red Kites were seen over the field right in front of the caravan. We often see Red Kites there and it would be wonderful if they decided to nest nearby.

Once the bird feeders were refilled we had visits from many species - all the usual such as Blue, Coal and Great Tits, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Robin and Blackbird and the highlights were a Nuthatch, Bullfinch and Long Tailed Tit sighting.  On the Friday when B was putting up a nest box in the trees just behind the garden a Brambling came for food. Now I won't tell you how jealous I was - I've never seen this species sadly and this is the second time B has seen one and I haven't!

We have also ordered a Tree Creeper nest box as we get a lot of sightings of this species in the trees at the rear of the caravan.

I did try out the bat detector a couple of evenings as it was so mild and they can come out of hibernation this month but there was no sign of bats - I don't think they like rainy weather and it had rained both days earlier in the day.

On Friday  B needed a larger screwdriver so we popped into Tenbury Wells - just a few photos from when we walked round. 

While B went to buy some bird food I had a look round the small sensory garden at Temeside House.

We returned home on the Saturday. Hopefully, we can return soon although rainy days seems to be the forecast for weeks to come!

I am sorry for the lack of blog posts recently. To be honest the weather hasn't been dry enough to go out much and also I am sleeping very badly still and I don't like driving when I am shattered!

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).


  1. It seems like only yesterday you were putting the caravan to bed for the winter. Now here we are, already 2/3 of the way through March. Where has the time gone? It's lovely to see the trees again. How quickly they will be in full leaf, turning colour and it will be winter once more. The days are flying by. Tenbury Wells looks lovely. I'm fascinated by those pair of post boxes. The rusty gate and the little garden vignette are quite charming. I don't see Timothy anywhere' is he still hibernating? I don't blame him.
    I don't think this is going through as anonymous today, but I've been having issues again. So in case it does, it's me, Debbie.

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much - its been a short break this year as we went back at the end of December to close it down. No idea where time has gone! Don't want to repeat last year when we didn't go until the end of March due to constant rain - sound familiar???
    Tenbury Wells is really rather lovely - with much to see and do there and I still haven't been inside the church!
    I have a confession to make re Timothy! I could just agree he was still hibernating but in actual fact we got off the motorway at Worcester and I said out loud "Oh no" I have forgotten Timothy!" Not sure how as I do have a list of things to take and I always check it when I've packed!
    ps it is fine - you have come through as Rustic Pumpkin.

  3. I bet it was good to get back to your caravan again ready for the new season. How wonderful to see the red kites so close to your site. They always look so majestic in the sky. The Herefordshire Oak is such a lovely shape which you can see quite well in its winter branches. Paul got the bat detector out again this week but nothing so far. The little sensory garden looks lovely. So sorry you are not sleeping well at the moment. Let's hope for some warmer and sunnier days soon:)

  4. Rosie - Thanks so much and yes it was good to go back. The site was lovely and quiet too :) Red Kites are indeed such lovely birds - I keep hoping I might see one in Warwickshire as I know there has been the occasional sighting but there are a lot in Herefordshire especially near the Borders. Fingers crossed we will both detect bats soon :) We do occasionally see them at home so I've brought the detector home. I keep meaning to go to a churchyard one evening and look for them there. St Leonard's at Hatfield may be the best bit as its only just up the lane.

  5. How lovely that you have opened up the caravan for the year ahead. You have the emerging leaves on the trees to look forward to.

    I am sorry you are not sleeping well. It sounds like you have a touch of the winter blues. I struggle to get out (unless I have a planned activity that involves meeting others) when the weather is dull and dreary.

  6. CherryPie - Thanks so much. I look forward to seeing again how the trees change as the seasons progress :)
    Sadly, I think my sleeping problems are caused more by anxiety than winter blues but thanks for your kind words :)

  7. The Quacks of Life - Thanks Pete and yes it is :) Hope you get chance to go this year.

  8. It must feel so good to get back there after the winter break, even if the weather is lousy! Your plants are doing well and that's a great amount of bird life visiting your feeders. So sorry you missed the Brambling. :-(

    Spring has really sprung here and there are quite a few trees covered in leaves already, and loads of fruit blossom out. Though our weather is truly bizarre, changing by 10C day to day sometimes! I thought we had had a wet winter but we went for a walk at a place about 15 mins away that has a stream, but it was bone dry! It had water in it even in summer when we first visited in 2021. It's a bit concerning.

  9. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much and yes this comment has come through ok so I'll delete the other one if that is alright? It is good to be able to go back even if weather is still so dire most days over here!
    I agree - it does feel spring like and as you say fruit blossom is appearing. I love the Spring :) It is a bit worrying about that stream :(

  10. Oh, RR, poor Timothy! Still there will be plenty of opportunities for him to have an outing as the season progresses. I'm so glad you are able to return to Herefordshire once again. I imagine the blossom in that part of the world must be a joy. And I'm glad the herbs are doing well. I keep pinching the tip of our apple mint in the hope it will bunch out a bit! Ah, and the chance of Red Kite sightings ... We were told there had been a sighting at Sutton Hoo, but no sign when we were there. Thank you for your recent comment on my blog; I fear I have ben a very intermittent blogger recently. I've just finished a poetry course on insects, so perhaps there will be a bit more time ... and more insects, too!

  11. Caroline Gill - Thanks so much. Must admit I haven't been on blogger much this year either - I seem to have little to write about. Your poetry course sounds good :) It is good to be able to go make to Herefordshire again. Although due to rubbish weather we have only been once since the site re-opened. I can't wait to go back more and remember to take Timothy! Hope your Apple mint starts growing again soon - the plant at home is very leggy although we did have mint moth caterpillar problem last year!
