Thursday 21 March 2024

First Visit to Herefordshire 2024


We visited the caravan for the first time this year last week. Although the weather forecast was poor at least we were able to take back the items we had brought home and make up the beds and stock up on food.

We had a very good journey there on the Wednesday and it only took 90 minutes.  Once the car was unpacked and we had had lunch we went to Morrisons Leominster as we had a click and collect booked and needed petrol.

Thursday weather was mixed so we stayed on the site and I took a few photos of the trees and the garden.

The Herefordshire Oak - looking similar to how it did in December!

The Constable  and Octopus trees also bare of leaves.

The herbs have survived well over the last few months.

The pink primula that was flowering in December is still covered in flowers!

There are primroses in the garden and they are covering the grassy banks around the site.

The copse in sunlight with rain clouds gathering behind. 

When we arrived (and as we left on the Saturday!) a pair of Red Kites were seen over the field right in front of the caravan. We often see Red Kites there and it would be wonderful if they decided to nest nearby.

Once the bird feeders were refilled we had visits from many species - all the usual such as Blue, Coal and Great Tits, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Robin and Blackbird and the highlights were a Nuthatch, Bullfinch and Long Tailed Tit sighting.  On the Friday when B was putting up a nest box in the trees just behind the garden a Brambling came for food. Now I won't tell you how jealous I was - I've never seen this species sadly and this is the second time B has seen one and I haven't!

We have also ordered a Tree Creeper nest box as we get a lot of sightings of this species in the trees at the rear of the caravan.

I did try out the bat detector a couple of evenings as it was so mild and they can come out of hibernation this month but there was no sign of bats - I don't think they like rainy weather and it had rained both days earlier in the day.

On Friday  B needed a larger screwdriver so we popped into Tenbury Wells - just a few photos from when we walked round. 

While B went to buy some bird food I had a look round the small sensory garden at Temeside House.

We returned home on the Saturday. Hopefully, we can return soon although rainy days seems to be the forecast for weeks to come!

I am sorry for the lack of blog posts recently. To be honest the weather hasn't been dry enough to go out much and also I am sleeping very badly still and I don't like driving when I am shattered!

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).

Saturday 9 March 2024

Recent Reading and Flowers in the Garden


Recent Reading

I do enjoy the Mitchell and Markby series.  Sadly, I think there is only one more book to read in this series although I will check out other books by Ann Granger.

The Jackman and Evans books by Joy Ellis have been brilliant. This does seem to sadly be the last in the series for now. I am just hoping the author writes another one!  I do have some of her other books to read such as the Matt Ballard series on the kindle  and of course there are the superb Nikki Galena books and I am hoping she will write more in that series too!

The Lost Bookshop was one of the best books I have read in the last year.  It was totally spell binding and magical. I just could not put in down.  

I went a wander round the garden a few days ago to see what was in flower.

Bergenia - much loved by early emerging bumble bees. Mahonia is in flower  too but I forgot to take a photo!

Periwinkle - it seems to flower all year!

Both the camellias are in flower - we have a white variety and also a red one.

Snowdrops and Primroses are flowering.  I seem to have lost one of my snowdrop plants - I only have two!  Snowdrops never seem to do that well here.

Daffodils and Primulas

Blue Tits have been investigating the nest box and we have a pair of robins nesting in the laurel.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).