Friday 5 January 2024

Recent Reading and Brief Trip to Herefordshire


Recent Reading

Lis Howell is a new author for me and to be honest I am not quite sure why I bought this kindle book. Its described as a "cosy murder mystery" which to me just about it sums it up!  Easy light reading but I don't think I would buy another by this author. (Gosh I think this is the first time I may have left a poor review!)

I always enjoy the DCI Banks books and this was no exception.

I bought this book for the caravan - it was interesting to note that most of the places mentioned we had already visited so I got very few new ideas of days out from it but its an interesting book.

I can't stop reading the Hillary Greene books by Faith Martin and am still reading the Thrush Green books by Miss Read usually just before bedtime as its a nice relaxing read.

Thanks to Rosie from "Corners of My Mind" Blog I discovered there was a new Maisie Dobbs book out and just couldn't resist buying it. This was as good as all the others in the series.

Again I always enjoy the Jackman and Evans books by Joy Ellis. This was a brilliant thriller with lots of twists.

Another good Mitchell and Markby mystery. I am beginning to worry that some of the series I am reading may be nearing the last book! I shall have to find some new authors or new series by the same authors!

And a few more books by Miss Read and Faith Martin to bring my recent reading up to date.  I've just started the last Thrush Green book set at Christmas time . So I may start rereading the Lark Rise to Candleford books.


Between Christmas and New Year we returned to the caravan for a couple of nights to give it a good clean and get it ready for when the site is closed in January and February. I must admit I shall really miss not being able to visit Herefordshire whenever I want. Its going to be a long two months especially as the building work next door continues into another year :(

We only went out the once to the Art Gallery in Leominster to buy my Christmas present.  I chose a rather lovely orginal painting of a hare which I will try and photo for a future post.  Sorry formatting has gone amiss in last few paragraphs and I can't seem to rectify it!

Just a few photos from the site itself.

The Herefordshire Oak

The Constable Tree

The Octopus Tree

I'll probably do a couple of posts later this month with photos of the above 3 trees throughout the year. Thanks to Debbie from "Cottage Days and Country Ways" blog who suggested this in the past.

A primula flowering in the garden - sorry for the poor quality I took it through the kitchen window!

Timothy on his shelf - I forgot to change him into his Christmas jumper and scarf this year :(

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera.  (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one of mine or my son's I would be grateful for an email first - thanks)


  1. I'm sure Timothy was quite content and warm.
    I do so love bare trees in Winter.
    Look forward to seeing that hare painting.
    Happy New Year to you, B, E and D and Timothy!

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much Debbie. Timothy looks better in current outfit. FC jumper is a bit big and looks like a dress !
    Yes I agree winter trees are special. In fact trees are beautiful whatever season. Happy New Year to you too.

  3. Debbie - ps just realised Debbie all of T's jumpers are a bit on the long side!!! That is what happens when you make up a pattern :)

  4. Lots of lovely books to read. I enjoyed the latest Maisie Dobbs, I wonder if there will be any more? Just read a Joy Ellis - the Bag of Secrets. I love hares so I'm looking forward to seeing your hare painting - what a lovely present. I hope that the work next door will soon be over and that you have many more visits to your caravan this year:)

  5. Rosie - Thank you. As you know I have found out so many new good authors from looking at your reading list - I am always so grateful. Hope there are more Maisie books. One day I have to sit down and work out all the series of my favourite authors and any new books I haven't yet read - its finding the time!

    I think they are perhaps nearing the end next door with zillions of decorators in etc. One can but hope although having said that I am not looking forward to the owners moving back in!! Really we should be decluttering and sticking this house on the market.

  6. happy new year hope its a good one!

    and waves at Timothy :)

  7. I need to catch up on my reading. The 50 Gems of Herefordshire sounds interesting. I haven't been to Leominster for years!

  8. The Quacks of Life - Thanks so much Pete and wishing you a Happy 2024 :)

    Nikki - Notes of Life - Thanks so much for commenting. Its a good little book but photos are of places in the past and as my son said a recent photo alongside would have been good too. Theres a lot to see in Leominster as we have discovered :)

  9. Looking forward to seeing those trees throughout the year. It is a fun thing to do. A few years back I took twelve photographs over the year of twelve scenes near to me. It was interesting to see the changes over the seasons.

  10. The Wessex Reiver - Thanks Andrew. I remember those 12 photos you took of different scenes - it was a super idea and they have always stood out in my mind whenever I think of your blog. I wish I could create a collage rather than a series of photos one after the other but sadly I am not very technically minded and haven't a clue how to start!!

  11. I am always so behind on my reading. I have a lot of half read books that I need to get back to.

    Happy New Year to you and your family and Timothy :-)

  12. CherryPie - Thank you. Unusually for me I started 2 books recently and wasn't enjoying either for different reasons and am on the verge of abandoning them. I alawys have a pile of tbr books and loads on kindle to read let alone magazines - constantly behind with them!
    Happy New Year to you all too.

  13. Any idea how much longer the building works will continue? I think they could have built a whole new house faster!

    I love your trees in the winter - especially the Constable Tree. It's such a lovely shape. Nice to see the Primula flowering for a bit of a lift in early January and I don't blame you not going outside to take the pic!

  14. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much - just spotted that I never replied to his comment - so sorry. I think the building works are more or less finally finished although workmen do still appear on some days but they seem to be moving back in and having furniture etc delivered. They seem to spend most of the day here (none of them seem to work!) and then disappear overnight and at mealtimes. Its been 18 months of sheer awfulness tbh and I don't think we shall ever speak to any of them again - we have had some right snotty emails from the owner.

    Thanks re the trees - not long now and we can go back - I have so missed it!
