Wednesday 21 December 2022

Birthday and Christmas Preparations


I had one of those dreaded "big birthdays" a few weeks ago. To be honest I can't believe I am 70. Physically, I may feel it sometimes but mentally I feel about 25!

I told everyone not to spend a fortune on a "special" cake as I much prefer homemade so they made me my favourite Carrot Cake :)

D bought me a bat detector which I have wanted for years and made me some Christmas Fudge.  Fudge is definitely worth making at home as it is much nicer and cheaper than bought although it is time consuming and you do need a sugar thermometer or thermapen.

Emily bought me lots of things including the latest Mary Berry cookbook and a book of lists - ideal for me who is always making them!

My main present from B was a painting we had seen in an art gallery in Leominster.

I do enjoy preparing for Christmas - in fact I sometimes think I find the preparations more fun than the actual event!

Holly wreath for the front door bought from a florist's in Coleshill.

The mistletoe bunch from Tenbury Wells.

I always make a canon ball Christmas Pudding although I have to admit only D and I actually like it!

Christmas cake having its last "feed" of brandy!

I am very behind with preparations this year mainly due to the two trips to Herefordshire but I finally made the mincemeat.

Most Christmas recipes I use are by Mary Berry or from BBC Good Food but these cheese savouries which I freeze are from a Delia recipe.

Today I'll make  the stained glass window biscuits - some to eat now and some to freeze which just leaves the Mincemeat Macaroons and Mince Pies to make later in the week plus the veggie main and starter.  B always cooks the actual Christmas dinner and we re-heat the vegetarian main. D saw a good recipe on Mary Berry's Christmas Programme for Cranberry and Stilton Scones so I'll make those on Christmas Eve for the vegetarian starter.  

The Christmas Tree and decorations have now gone up.

This is an Advent Calendar with a difference. Its called The Night Before Christmas and you add a piece each day. I must admit it was a faff to put the house together and some of the pieces are a bit fiddly to add but its something different.

Building wise the news is not good - after an absence of 3 weeks (one of them got married!). They are back with a vengeance. Scaffolding now up on our patio :( They didn't screen it so we have gone somewhat ballistic and told them they can't access it until they do!). Worst yesterday was when two half house bricks came down the chimney and landed on the hearth in the front room together with tons of rubble all over Christmas decorations! B got straight onto owner and later party wall surveyor.  A row with the former ensued!  Apparently builders in loft used a power tool (which they are not supposed to do on party wall) against a chimney breast which they thought was double walled - it wasn't it was a single wall which anyone can see and came straight into our chimney breast. The surveyor is coming to inspect today to see what happened. Could do without all this with Christmas to get ready for.  Plus I am not sleeping hardly at all!  I fear the builders are totally incompetent :(

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone ever wishes to use one or one of my son's I would be grateful for an email first thanks).


  1. I agree completely that the run up to Christmas is often far more fun than the day itself. Back in the day I used to be so busy from Thanksgiving through December I was glad to see Christmas Day over and done with so I could just put my feet up and relax for a few days before new year. Being in the military we always had a house full of single and unaccompanied people from the barracks and my catering was off the scale. But I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't swap that time for the world.

    Belated wishes for a very happy birthday and another thing I agree with you on it's more about having things you like and enjoy rather than having the wrong sort of cake forced upon you! LOL! What a beautiful painting that is, really very very lovely indeed.

    Your tree is very pretty and very much to my taste. All your baked goods look absolutely delicious too. I think you're going to have a lovely Christmas in your house, very festive and full of good food.
    Nadolig Llawen
    Merry Christmas xo

  2. Happy (Belated) Birthday Caroline. I hope the day went well. I love that painting too, it's got movement in there which is hard to capture. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and remember to stay 25 :-)

  3. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. I remember you telling me about sme of your experiences catering for so many - that one year in particular must have been a complete nightmare. I would have had a meltdown!!

    Well those "special cakes" if you have one made can cost a small fortune and yes you go wow but they can cost over £100 and the cake itself is never that special. Give me a homemade cake any day :) Not the best photo of the painting I am afraid - it is much better in real life :)

    I don't do "themed" trees. Basically we just bung on stuff collected over the years, some from relatives who have now passed away and some the children made at school.

    I am tempted to start eating much of that food - I forgot to put chocolate bars on the last shopping order!!

    Nadolig Llawen to you too Debbie.

    The Wessex Reiver - Thanks so much Andrew - I had a lovely day. The artist is Carol Clarke and there were loads of her paintings in the art gallery. Sorry the photo of it isn't brilliant. It is much better in real life. lol! I will :) Have a lovely Christmas too :)

  4. What can I say, Many Happy Returns. I passed that mark last year and like you feel younger though my body tells me I'm not. My wife's Birthday was last week so I made her a Victoria Sponge with Clotted cream and strawberry jam. which went down very well. Christmas with us is a little sombre this year as my wife is coping with the death of her mother a few weeks ago so we have not feeling up to it but we will calibrate in some way

  5. Belated Happy Birthday to you. LOVE that painting - really captures that moment of a summer's day.

    You are very Christmassy in your house. I am really (and I mean REALLY struggling) to get my mojo together. Stress over Keith has just left me running on empty. MUST make an effort today.

    I am worried on your behalf about those builders next door and don't blame you for jumping up and down. Not only are they pulling the entire house down next door, they're making a start on yours now! Hope it is all sorted soon.

    Merry Christmas anyway.

  6. Billy Blue Eyes - Thanks so much. I would imagine your wife loved her cake. I am so sorry to hear of the death of your wife's mother recently. I can understand why Christmas will be difficult this year. So sorry.

    Bovey Belle - Thanks so much. Yes it is a lovely painting - better in real life than my not very good photo. It captures a countryside lane for me looking towards fields.

    I must admit I have found it hard this year to motivate myself especially with next door and some horrid medical appts. I only do it really for the kids.So I can understand how difficult it is for you. Worry and anxiety means even less sleep which leaves one feeling very unmotivated and lacking in energy - or it does me!

    Whole thing next door a nightmare it really is. I just wish we had forgotten other problems we he had and motivated ourselves to actually move before all this started. I knew it would be bad but not this awful. Surveyor has been and they will replace brick in our flu knocked out by mistake as they thought it was a party wall! Incompetent I fear. He has also told them to get an engineer in for advice re: these joists they are putting in, screen some of our party wall and screen the scaffolding properly. Perishing owner next door had nerve to ask him who would paid for his visit and he said you! Next door did the right thing in asking me to inspect this and you have damaged their property. So that will set him back £200!!!

  7. What a lovely post, Your home looks so warm and festive.I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. I agree it's always the week running up to Christmas that seems the most enjoyable. So sorry to hear about all the trouble and stress from the building works. I hope things are sorted soon as it sounds so stressful for you. Take care:)

  8. Rosie - Thanks so much. Sadly away from decorations the house is so untidy!! Also had to leave decorations away from hearth just in case more debris falls down. Thanks for your kind words about the builders. Take care too :)

  9. Happy Belated birthday to you, I love your Christmas decorations :-)

    I am concerned about the incompetent builders that you mention, hopefully you won't get anything else damaging your property.

  10. CherryPie - Thanks so much.
    It is a worry re: next door - as you do wonder what else they could do wrong :(

  11. Yikes, the building nightmare is getting even closer to home! I feel so much for you, and at this time of year too. :-(

    However, I hope you have been enjoying your Xmas baked goodies! And Happy Belated Birthday. I know what you mean about feeling young. Do you think we feel younger as we age? I feel like I do! Certainly not physically, of course! :-)

  12. The Quacks of Life - Thanks so much Pete.

    Millymollymandy - Thanks so much. Yes it is a huge nightmare and because so much of party wall exposed well probably all of it! -its making this house freezing cold :(

    Yes Possibly we do feel younger as we age physically!!! tbh we should be looking to move to a bungalow (but they are all so old fashioned inside!) as OH and I - me in particular - are struggling with stairs :( Knackered knees! and no I am not having a knee replacement!!!
