Thursday 29 December 2022

A Local Country Walk in North Warwickshire


I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas.

Today we went a walk in the North Warwickshire countryside and it was cold enough to blow away the cobwebs!

We had initially decided on a walk round Shustoke Reservoir but the 2 mile path is high on a ridge and the wind was bitingly cold so that plan got abandoned after a few hundred yards!

So instead we went for a walk along the lanes round the Shawbury and Maxstoke area.

This is the door of a cottage at the little hamlet of Maxstoke.  I've mentioned before this house was on the market last year and you can imagine how much these days I wish we had bought it!!

This is the church of St Michael and All Angels, Maxstoke. It it is Grade 2 listed and dates back to the C14th with 18th and 19th century additions.  It was founded by  William de Clinton who was born in Maxstoke and later became Earl Huntingdon.  The church may have been founded as a chantry chapel rather than the church for the nearby Priory.

The church is usually locked but we did visit some years ago for a Christmas Tree Festival so if you would like to see inside please see St Michael's Maxstoke

Victorian Wall Letter Box in the wall of the 14th century Maxstoke Priory. 

The Priory of Augustinian Canons at Maxstoke was also founded by William de Clinton in 1336/37.  It was dissolved in 1536 during the Dissolution.  The site today is surrounded by a surviving sandstone precint wall.

Below is the gatehouse but the rest of the ruins are on the land of a working farm and in I think the grounds of the Old Rectory so are not accessible. Many years ago when I was a teenager I was walking in the area with friends and the farmer did allow us to view them briefly but today there are "keep out" signs!!

It wasn't a long walk but it was good to get some fresh air out in the countryside.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera. (I don't particularly rate my photos but if anyone wishes to use one of mine or my son's I would be grateful for an email first - thanks).


  1. A good walk is just what is needed at this time of the year. In fact several if you can manage them. I don't blame you though for changing your route. The winds are keen and vicious at times. I particularly like the photographs of the bare trees. And it makes me wonder what your Herefordshire oak is looking like now.
    Wishing you in advance, A Very Happy, Healthy New Year 2023.

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thank you - was glad I had gone after the event as I felt much better mentally! Wind vicious by the reservoir not so bad along the lanes. I would imagine it is now bare re: Herefordshire Oak - I miss it! Wishing you too a Happy Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

  3. It's always good to get out and about in the countryside for a walk between Christmas and New year. Cobwebs would have well and truly been blown away had you gone on the planned walk. Plan B looks good with lots of interesting history in the buildings. The winter trees look wonderful too. The cottage looks lovely no wonder you were interested in it:)

  4. Rosie - Thanks so much. We usually try to go for a walk just after Christmas. It was freezing at Shustoke due to that wind! I like the Maxstoke area the Priory has such a special atmosphere. The cottage was good but at the very top of our budget and from memory it had a vile very modern all stainless steelkitchen - not my cup of tea at all. But there again had I envisaged what was going to happen here I would have at least viewed it! Its detached so no fear of the horrors of next door there!!!!

  5. I'm hoping to get out today - there's a route I'd like to explore, but I'll have to see how Keith is. He was very bad yesterday so I don't want to leave him long. May just have to go up the hill and back.

    What a pity you couldn't have sold up and moved before all the work started next door. That sort of doubling of the size of a property won't help your selling in future - though I suppose it might inspire someone coming in to do the same thing!

  6. Bovey Belle - Thank you and I am so sorry to hear how poorly Keith was yesterday. I hope you can get out even if just for a short time.

    Many houses round here sadly have been exended and rebuilt in such a way which is why I think the Planning Dept has given him as character of neighbourhood already destroyed. I know it is nasty of me but if and when we move I hae to admit I hope whoever buys it does the same and they might then realise how awful it has been for us. The houses when re-done are monstrosities tbh and at end of day they will never recoup money as most of the houses will still be semi detached! Much less hassle to have bought the son a house of his own but I think they do like to live as huge families with many generations in one house. Would drive me nuts!

  7. That looks like a lovely walk. A good plan not to walk on the ridge.

  8. CherryPie - Thank you - believe me a few hundred yards on that ridge was enough for me!
