Saturday 9 October 2021

Return to Herefordshire - Part 4: Queenswood Arboretum and a surprise new tick for the garden bird list at home!


On the Friday morning we all went for a walk at Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum. The car park there was the quietest I have ever seen it.

We started off along the usual "Gruffalo Trail".

Already I was lagging behind!

We then followed a path into a new area of the wood (for me anyway - B and E came on their own last time) passing a viewpoint and,

and ending up towards the top of the wood and Dinmore Hill.

We were nearly back at the car park but took another new path called the Deer Trail.

In the end we retraced our steps as it seemed to be heading miles from the car park! We returned to the Visitor Centre for an icecream.

I had a strawberry Rowlstone icecream which is made on a local farm.

Timothy back at the caravan.

The tree I have been watching - perhaps a slight hint of autumnal colour?

We had a good journey home on the Friday evening.  I do hope next year we can start staying for longer periods - perhaps a week for starters!

Back home we had a new garden bird "tick" for the garden list. After 40+ years we rarely now see new species.  Daughter spotted a nuthatch on the feeders!  The good news is that it has been back several times since.

Nuthatch photos taken by D with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera.

Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic FZ330 bridge camera.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.


  1. What a lovely, relaxing, and people free place to visit. I can think of a pair of bears who'd love the Gruffalo Trail, and what a good way to introduce children to nature and wild things. I think someone looks miffed that he didn't have an ice cream. Here, the leaves are once again withering to brown, from green with nothing in between.

  2. p.s. great news about the Nuthatch!

  3. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much and yes it is nice there and super for children. Someone was very miffed!!! The Whitebeam tree in our garden at home is fast losing leaves here before changing colour :( Thanks too re: nuthatch. Daily sightings now :)

  4. It's such a lovely walk and I like the Gruffalo characters, also the old post box. Strawberry ice cream looks lovely especially after a long walk. How wonderful to have a nuthatsh visit and also that you had your camera handy. Good that it has retuned to the feeders too. Take care:)

  5. Rosie - Thanks. It is good there and only 20 minutes away. I've been wanting to try that Rowlstone icecream for ages! Have suddenly developed an interest in post boxes! Recently I drove past a rare one in Shirley and then I read an article in Countryman magazine about them so now I've ordered a Shire book on them! Chuffed re: nuthatch I really am. Take care too.

  6. Lovely photos and what super views. So glad you are getting to really make the most of your second home! Also hoorah for the Nuthatch, what a wonderful surprise! Sorry I am not keeping up with your blog (or others) very well, just been busy preparing for, then having various family members staying! Take care :-)

  7. Millymollymandy - Thanks Mandy so much. Yes good to go as much as possible and it is an ideal retreat for us. Please don't apologise - no need at all. To be honest I am behind too with reading other people's blogs! Have a lovely time when the family stays. Take care too :)

  8. The weather's been great for being out and about hasn't it, it all looks very lovely on your walk! Again it's great news about the Nuthatches!

  9. Pam - Thanks so much and yes the weather has been good - it was particularly lovely when we were there. Just topped up feeders I need to keep nuthatches visiting :)

  10. That looks like a great walk in perfect weather.

    How lovely to have a nuthatch visit your garden. I have seen them in one of my local nature reserves but not in my garden.

  11. CherryPie - Thank you and yes it was :)

    Very pleased with the nuthatch after about 43 years without! The closest to home I have seen them before is about a mile away.
