Friday 20 August 2021

National Herb Centre


D and I revisited the National Herb Centre last Friday afternoon.

This time I remembered to take a photo of my favourite dragon garden ornament! Sadly, he was too expensive to justify as a treat!

Just past the garden centre area are the small individual herb gardens plus herbaceous borders.

Red Admiral and Peacock

I think this is a Common Hawker Dragonfly but please correct me if this or the grasshopper identifications later in the post are wrong.

Red Admiral

The main reason for the visit was to see if marjoram was yet in flower. It was but sadly, unlike two years ago, we didn't see any Common Blues or Brown Argus's.  There were plenty of Gatekeepers, a few Meadow Browns and a Brimstone about though.

Then down the hill to the nature trails.

I am not 100 per cent certain but I think this is a Lesser Marsh Grasshopper?

Meadow Grasshopper?

We took a different route this time and discovered a wood and pool.

We then explored a different meadow where there were lots of horsetails.

We had a quick look round the garden centre before we left but didn't buy any plants this time.

On the way home we stopped off at a church and drove through a few rather picturesque villages (photos in next post).

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera.  For some reason D didn't take the Canon this time.


  1. I love that dragon! I would have to see if I could find the pennies to bring it home where the Dragon's Breath mists billow down from the hills! No idea on helping identify the grasshoppers, but I do have a cast of thousands of them in my own garden.

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. I think he would be happier in Wales! :) From memory of earlier visit I think he was £100 plus!!!!!! Will check when we go again. My son would love your garden he is mad keen on grasshoppers! :)

  3. I can see why you like the dragon as it has such a characterful face. I love your photos of the butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers. I'm always fascinated by horsetail, such an ancient looking plant:)

  4. Rosie - Thanks so much. Its a pity I don't have a "special" birthday coming up as I would love that dragon :) Horsetails fascinate me too - a reminder perhaps of the Carboniferous :)

  5. It looks like a lovely place. I like the dragon. I have one under my garden bench, luckily he wasn't very expensive.

  6. CherryPie - Thank you. Envious of your dragon :) Mine may not have been as expensive as I thought I wish now I had checked the price!

  7. It looks like a lovely place to visit, how nice that you can wander around gardens and meadows as well as looking at plants for sale! I can’t help with the IDs as I have no knowledge of grasshopper species (never looked into them) and I don’t know that dragonfly either, though it’s really lovely! Looks similar to other hawker males which are blue/brown. Sorry you didn’t see the butterflies you were hoping to see. My oregano/marjoram hasn’t had any butterflies on since the Spanish Gatekeepers ended. The regular Gatekeepers don’t seem interested! I did see a special butterfly here though, will share it on a post to come in due course. 🦋

    Thanks for visiting my blog - I’ll reply soon but whilst I can comment on your blog, I can’t on mine from my iPad! Think it’s to do with you having a different way of commenting, with a pop up window. xx

  8. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much. Herb Centre a good discovery - I was tipped off by someone on twitter who lives local to me. Strange about your oregano/marjoram as Gatekeepers here love it!!! Look forward to hearing about your special butterfly :)

    Sorry about the problem with commenting. I would try and change but with new blogger I am petrified of changing anything in case I mess it all up!
