Saturday 7 August 2021

Herefordshire - Part One


We came back late yesterday from another short break in Herefordshire.

Timothy looking forward to his break.

When we get this view of the Malverns by Worcester we know it is only about another 40/45 minutes before we arrive.

One day I will make a detour to Malvern and have a look round - Great Malvern Priory is definitely on the list of places to visit!

Old Cider Mill and Press - Bromyard

We arrived early afternoon and after unpacking and lunch did the usual click and collect in Leominster.

Although on Thursday it rained all day and we didn't go out!, on Wednesday and Friday the weather was good and we went to a couple of new places Stockton Bury Gardens, Kimbolton, which were delightful and Leominster Town Centre and a far too brief visit to Leominster Priory. More posts next week :)


  1. Timothy looks quite content sitting in his vantage point. Despite being on a main road {motorway?} the scenery is delightful. Lovely to be able to get away into some peaceful nature and look forward to exploring some more.

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much :) The Malverns photo is taken just as you get off the M5 by Worcester South. Once you get past the Worcester area the scenery becomes completely rural :)

  3. Although we recently stayed in Malvern with my mum. We didn't get to see Malvern so we have to go back so we can explore the town and maybe some of the walks.

  4. It's good that you have such a lovely place to go to for a change of scene and still with many places to discover close by. I remember Leominster quite well. Look forward to your next posts:)

  5. CherryPie - Thank you. It is an interesting area geologically and also good for butterflies plus I think there is a hill fort?

    Rosie - Thanks so much. I feel very fortunate to have such a place to escape to tbh Rosie. We have driven through Leominster so many times but not explored town centre before.
