Wednesday 21 July 2021

Herefordshire Again - Part 1: Vintage Centre and "OFFA"


E has 10 days off work and wanted to go to Herefordshire.  As there is a possibility D may need some lifts this week (to avoid using public transport) we decided to visit last Thursday despite misgivings over high temperatures and being there at the weekend when it is busier!

Usual congestion M42! but apart from a 10 minute delay there the rest of the route was quiet.

E has wanted to stop off at this Vintage Shop at Brigsty Common for ages so we visited this time. To be honest I don't think it was her type of "vintage" but I saw lots of things there I liked.

Many items were on display outside but as the shop was empty and all the doors open I did step inside for a short while and spotted this lovely statue.

I liked this mirror - have always wished we had the right place in the garden where you could place such an item.

Plants in Walls

After asking for a year B finally stopped in a layby so I could get a photo of this super weather vane.

View to the front of "Offa".

Timothy pleased to be back especially as I had left Benedict at home. I may take him as well next time.

View at the back of "Offa"

The small garden

We arrived early afternoon and after lunch did the usual "click and collect" shop at Morrisons, Leominster.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera.


  1. That looks an interesting shop and I'm glad you felt safe enough to go in. I looked at their website, and imagine they sell quite a bit as much of it has "the look".

    I hope you were able to enjoy a book or two whilst relaxing at the caravan.

  2. Bovey Belle - Thanks and yes it was good. Its the Worcester side of Bromyard just after Brockhampton - Brigsty Common - on the Worcester Road. Well as no-one in shop dashed in and out but tbh wouldn't have gone in cafe. This pandemic is such a pain as so many things we planned to do I just can't face even though much allowed now!

    thanks yes - I finished a book - so many visits to Herefordshire haven't had chance to do a book post but I have read about 8 books since the last one. Will do one soon.

  3. Lovely part of the world. We have a cottage booked in Kinton so it should be lovely to retrace family history to N Herefordshire. Just been trying to make a new blog of my own, rather difficult I must say!



  4. Edward Evans - Thanks so much. Not been to Kington yet - I hope to trace some of my Herefordshire family history too at some stage!!! Wouldn't have a clue how to create a new blog on the new blogger tbh :( Please let me know if you succeed and your new blog address. Thanks so much. All the best Caroline ps will delete the other comment - easy to send twice I have done it myself :)

  5. The new blog has worked! The address is on my profile now. The new blogger still hasn't settled right!

  6. What a lovely respite this morning to visit Offa with you. It looks cool. Do you remember when it was cool? Seems a lifetime ago.
    The Vintage Shop looks a good place to explore. Timothy looks very incredibly happy, I wonder why? {giggles}
    Is the garden entirely yours? It's looking lovely now. Also, I do like your stained glass suncatcher a lot! Umbels, a particular favourite.
    Hope you can go again soon!

  7. Edward Evans - Thanks so much. Will check later. Well done on setting it up :)

    Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. Actually it was not as cool as it looked but Thursday was not too bad! I have forgotten what it is like to feel cool!

    lol: re: Timothy - he was so glad Benedict had been left behind!!

    Many of them have little "gardens" so that area is ours plus a bit under hawthorn hedge to the left of caravan but only a narrow border which OH is slowly clearing and putting in perennials. The apple tree and rose are the two things I particularly love.

    Glad you like the suncatcher - a little treat but it wasn't cheap. Handmade by stained glass artist. I think that one was called "Meadow flowers".

  8. As a P.S. We were going to go to Hay market today, but daughter gave us the heads up that Covid cases are on a high there - not surprising as it was heaving last week, and so many people from "off" as they say. Wait until things have calmed down after the summer hols is my advice if you were thinking of going when you're at the caravan.

  9. The vintage shop looks interesting, I'd love to wander around there. I like the large metal rabbit and the weather vane you stopped to photograph. I can see that Timothy is happy to be visiting Offa again and no wonder with such lovely views and garden. Take care:)

  10. Bovey Belle - Thanks so much for the warning! I will stay well away. Cases per 100K much lower Herefordshire generally than round here though! We went to Ludlow last Friday and it was packed - we put on masks outside! and stayed less than an hour. Many of them seemed to be from "off" (well so were we I suppose but won't mention that!!!). Didn't realise Ludlow was quite such a tourist attraction perhaps its Staycation :(

    Rosie - Thanks so much. I was glad we finally stopped off as they had some quirky things :) I liked the rusty metal rabbit too but £12 was a bit steep!!! The views are one of the things that attracted me to that particular site plus its small and family run - no club houses or shop but that suits me - I didn't want a large touristy type site!

  11. Well, when we went there the last two weeks, lots of people NOT wearing masks even though it is Wales and they are meant to. Poor girl holding the "wear a mask" placquard on the Market, didn't know quite what to do.

    The rabbit wasn't a bad price at £12 and it probably means you can offer £10 (we will always consider rounding down that amount on an item at Fairs). Always ask what the Best Price is!!

  12. Bovey Belle - Quite horrifying really re: no masks. When OH and son go for a walk they see smokers standing on steps of pub so people have to brush past and on buses so many not wearing masks in the past and now most of them aren't of course thanks to BJ!

    Thanks for advice on rabbit as I have no idea what such things cost also about offering £10 never thought of that!!! The mirror which I liked was quite reasonable I thought about £25 from memory.

  13. OMG that place is to die for! I already see loads of things I would love for my garden and terrace, like the rusty chicken and the galvanised buckets.... We do have some brocantes around here and I keep meaning to go now that everything is open again.... one day!

    Your little garden is looking lovely and mature now, and the rose is really beautiful. I hope it has a nice scent!

    Right on to the next post, I may read the others another day though. :-)

  14. Millymollymandy - Thanks. I was amazed at how big it was and how much was there. I think I enjoyed it more than my daughter!

    Yes the rose smells lovely. I picked 3 buds to bring home but they died within a day so I was most upset :(
