Sunday 20 December 2020

Recent Reading, Christmassy Things and a Brief Drive out to the countryside.


Recent Reading

I bought King of Dust direct from the author and also treated myself to Gargoyles and Grotesques (a Shire book by the same author). A really interesting read with some super photos including some from churches we have visited.  I also have a book written by Alex Woodcock on Exeter Cathedral which I will read in the New Year.

I love the Wesley Peterson series and this book was, as usual, hard to put down.

Getting Ready for Christmas

I decided to knit Timothy a Christmas Jumper and Scarf.  

I feel very guilty that these days the Christmas Tree Fairy has been replaced on top of the Christmas Tree by a Father Christmas so I always display her on the fireplace.  I bought her from Boots when D was a toddler and she was quite expensive or so it seemed to me as we didn't have a lot of money those days with me not working.

I found a florists in Coleshill who would take orders for holly front door wreaths online and then deliver.  The second wreath is called Winter Wonderland and I am going to put that on the inside of the front door.  It looks as though I will be able to keep and re-use in future years.

The Ring Necked Parakeets are back!  This one was spotted in next door's garden. Sorry not the best of photos taken through a window at distance!  (Remaining photos all taken by D).

In the good old days when D used to get press night theatre tickets we twice went to the Hippodrome to watch the Birmingham Royal Ballet perform "The Nutcracker".  One of the most magical experiences of my life.  Of course this year, being in Tier 3, there are no theatres open but Birmingham Rep who planned to have performances of "The Nutcracker" this year by the same ballet company did decide to do a live performance on one night which was shown online.  One of my birthday presents from D was a ticket for this so we watched on Friday evening and yet again it was a magical show to watch.

Last weekend D and E ordered and prepared a Festive Afternoon Tea Box from Morrisons which was another nice treat.

Yesterday I took D out to take some photos for his day job and we drove back through the countryside visiting some of our local villages.

Hampton in Arden including an angel outside St Mary and St Bartholomew's church.

Driving past a golf club located between Maxstoke and Coleshill we spotted a flock of deer. They have ear tags so I assume they are not a wild flock.

Christmas Tree in the churchyard of Coleshill Parish Church and a lovely sunset.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.


  1. It is an effort and a half to get into the seasonal spirit this year. I had more in early November than now. Timothy looks so festive, though, and full of Christmas spirit. The afternoon tea box is a good idea, isn't it? A tasty treat without having to do much, or go out to a café. I'm glad you managed a drive out, a change of scenery works wonders. Are the parakeets noisy, and do they become a nuisance, or are they okay? Curious minds and all that.
    Wishing you a peaceful, safe, and healthy Christmas

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much. Yes it is difficult to feel festive this year with not being able to visit places etc. We've had a couple of those afternoon tea boxes and it is good fun. Only the sandwiches to prepare :)

    A drive out did me good rather than being cooped up in the house 24/7!!! No problems (yet) with parakeets. I haven't seen them for months and when they are regular usually just a pair. Most I've seen was a flock of about 7. There are some big roosts within a couple of miles of here I believe and someone has put up nestboxes for them. I think the worry might be long term that they might out compete native species for nest holes but haven't read any recent research on it.

    Wishing you a peaceful, safe and healthy Christmas too. Thank you.

  3. Such a lovely post. Timothy looks wonderful in his new jumper and scarf and looks great with all his festive friends. Both wreaths are lovely and it's good that you can re-use the one in the box. Nice to get out and about and also to do virtually some of the things you would normally do at this time of year, like theatre and ballet, lots of lovely reading too. The afternoon tea looks tasty, what a treat. Stay safe:)

  4. Rosie - Thanks so much. Yes, the ballet was particularly lovely to watch. Different to actually going obviously but nice in so many ways. Stay safe too :)

  5. The winter wonderland wreath looks lovely, I may have to have a look at getting something similar next year. Good to see the Parakeets are back, someone on our local town FB group saw two 'green parrots' in the park, thought they could be escapees but i'm wondering if they were Parakeets!

    I bet it was a nice escape to be able to watch the ballet :)

    Have a good Christmas Caroline x

  6. Pam - Thank you. I am really pleased with the Winter Wonderland wreath - have keptthe box to store it in. A few artificial bits in it but mainly "real" things like cones, seedheads. OH and son go for walk by the river most days and see big flocks of the parakeets. They are certainly spreading northwards so yours could well be the same species.

    Have a good Christmas too Pam :)

  7. I love your Christmas decorations.

    It seems you have been able to get into the Christmas spirit more than I have been able to yet.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family xx

  8. CherryPie = Thank you. I think having my son and daughter still living at home makes us make more of an effort. It will certainly be a different Christmas this year.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family too.

  9. Hi Caroline, it’s me, Millymollymandy trying to comment from my iPad. I can’t log in as my usual ID! Anyway, Happy New Year and it’s nice to see what you have been up to pre Xmas. Hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family. I enjoyed your post and in particular I love that indoor wreath - I was reminded yesterday when I went out through the front door for the first time in ages (we always go through the garage) what a mess it was - bedding plants dead in pots that really needed to be inside during winter and the usual dust and cobwebs and mess that blows around - I do need to scrub the terracotta tiles on the porch steps at some point! So a wreath would have been nice, not that anyone was coming here!!! Take care Mandy xx

  10. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much. Hope you had a good Christmas too and Happy New Year to you both too and your family. Yes, I am really pleased with the indoor wreath especially that it will keep I think. I only bought it as the Holly one was £7.50 and you had to order over £15 worth to get a delivery. So pleased I did. Yes wreaths do look Cmassy on front doors :) Take care Caroline

  11. I know this isn't your most recent post, RR, but I had to say how smart Timothy looks in his new Christmas jumper! If it wasn't packed away on Twelfth Night, I should think he is keeping warm in it this weekend. We had our first significant snowfall (not much more than a centimetre or two, but lots of flakes in flurries) today. I do hope this year will prove better than 2021 once these vaccines reach their destinations.

  12. Caroline Gill - Thanks so much. Timothy is still wearing the jumper - minus snowflake as it kept falling off! We have had a bit of snow this year but not last week. I totally agree about hoping for a better year eventually.
