Tuesday 24 November 2020

Recent Reading


I'd wanted to buy this book for ages. In the end I ordered it direct from the author. Like all Little Toller books it is a beautiful book.  It tells of the authors travels in the south west in search of Romanesque sculpture interwoven with his own life and experiences as a stonemason. A really lovely book to treasure.

"The Quartet Murders" is the second book in the series and it was very enjoyable. Nice easy crime reading.

I do enjoy Trevor York's books. They are an interesting and comprehensive introduction to a subject and I am very keen to learn more on the Arts and Crafts Movement.

The next Joanna Piercy story - these books are really difficult to put down once you start reading them. I finished it in three days!

This is the final Midsomer Murders Mystery which is a shame as I thought the series just got better and better.

Some of you may remember I hated the "Dead Place" by this author so I was a bit nervous about starting this book but it was much better although I have to admit I did scan read a few of the post mortem reports!

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.


  1. You do have a varied and diverse selection of titles and interests. I have fallen off the reading wagon during lockdown and not managed to really get back on the horse since. Well, that was a mouthful of metaphors! lol

  2. Rustic Pumpkin - Hope you can get back on reading wagon :) lol re: mouthful of metaphors :) I am enjoying the crime and mystery genres as books I have never really considered reading before except for the occasional Agatha Christie years ago. King of Dust ties in with my love of Romanesque sculpture - such a fascinating subject and am desperately trying to learn more about Arts and Crafts.

  3. You have been reading lots of interesting books. I like the sound of both of the non fiction ones. I've never read the books by Caroline Graham although have seen many episodes of the TV series. Glad you are still enjoying the Joanna Piercy novels they do take over once you start reading them and are hard to put down. I've seen the J R Ellis books pop up on Kindle I must try one - are they stand alone or is it better to follow them in order? Sounds like a third author named Ellis to follow along with Joy Ellis and Kate Ellis:)

  4. Rosie - Thanks so much - lovely to hear from you again and I do hope your eyesight has improved a little. I quite enjoy the Trevor Yorke books - great introductions although I would have preferred the "real" book. "King of Dust" is superb. I found the Caroline Graham books a bit difficult to "get into" initially but then loved them once I got used to her style. re: JR Ellis - I do tend to read book series in order if I can but I think they would stand alone although I've only read two. Yes it is amazing there are three with the name Ellis :)

  5. I don't think i've read any Stephen Booth books, I might have to try them out, though perhaps not start with the Dead Place!

  6. Pam - Thanks. Iam enjoying the series apart from that one! I don't think I would have liked it much even in "normal" times!
