Thursday 18 June 2020

More of "This and That"

Just a few photos from the house and garden this week as I haven't been out again. This week has been hot and humid with thunderstorms and rain although the garden and countryside desperately needed rain so I can't complain.

Another shrub I can't name but at this time of year it is covered in pretty yellow flowers.
Edit Thanks to Rustic Pumpkin who has advised this is Rose of Sharon or Hypericum calycinum

Antirrhimum has self seeded in one of the hanging baskets which haven't been replanted this year - no plants and little compost left!

The lovely "Gatekeeper" statue I bought last year from the National Herb Centre.

The first Large Skipper (a female) was spotted in the garden last week.

I think this may be a species of Orb web spider (Cucumber Green?) but my spider id skills aren't good so if anyone can help would love to hear from you.

I haven't put the moth trap out but I did find this moth on the garage window - Common Emerald I think?

Edit Thanks to Edward Evans for confirming id of moth - Common Emerald

Wall Pennywort seeds have been transplanted into bigger pots.

Some of the more "leggy" ones I decided to plant near the top of one of the stone walls. Sadly, it was a bit of a rush job as I disturbed a nest of red ants and beat a hasty retreat. But hopefully one or two will survive.

One of the stone walls where I am hoping to establish Wall Pennywort.

Little swedes are starting to form on these plants.

Cat's Ear - this was the "no mow zone" but we have had to temporarily abandon the idea as bamboo seedlings were spreading all over it (rather than wild flowers) from a nearby bamboo plant.


It always seems to rain as the poppy buds are about to open :(

Recent Reading

I really enjoyed this book and the ending was a complete surprise to me!!!



More baking from Mary Berry's "Fast Cakes"

Lemon Shortbread made by E - most had been eaten when I took this photo!

Mild Ginger loaf which I made yesterday. It has a good ginger flavour but it is a bit dry!

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

All photos taken by me with the Pansonic Lumix FZ330 camera


  1. That is indeed Common Emerald.

  2. We had a wall covered in that yellow flowered plant, and my Grandmother called it Rose of Sharon, or in Welsh, Rhosyn Sharon. Try Googling Rose of Sharon or Hypericum calycinum. I live near the Vale of Roses, or Cwm Rhosyn in Welsh. Apparently, nothing to do with roses as we think today, but it was once, allegedly, covered in these yellow Sharon roses, in the days of Dewi Sant.

    It's a struggle to push outside our own gardens, isn't it? Our weather is a damp blanket of sea fog. Bah, Humbug! Baking looks good, I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Edward Evans - Thanks so much for comment and confirming id.

    Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much and for id. Hypericum rings a bell! A lovely common name!

    Yes, still struggling here to go out. Yesterday had to phone doctors to request repeat prescription - they have stopped taking them over the phone now so had to drop it off :( Even worse receptionist said I was over due a blood test could I come in. No I couldn't I said not at the moment! I note the doctor is still not seeing patients but telephone consultations only so why should I risk going in!

  4. Lovely photos, especially of the female skipper. I think I'd beat a hasty retreat from red ants too. I hope the Pennywort survies, it will look great in the wall. Baking looks delicious and your Rose of Sharon is ahead of ours in flowering. Our rhododendron, which looked as if it was struggling a few weeks back and the flowers were still in bud, has gone mad in all this rain and has more flowers than I've ever seen on it before. Strange times in weather as well as everything else. Take care and have a good weekend:)

  5. Oh dear bit of a nightmare disturbing the ants!! I love the little swedes :D and the Skipper, i've never seen a Large before.

    I've just started reading the DCI Banks novels recently, i've read a couple and love them, i've just been given another, I like that they're set locally!

  6. Rosie - Thank you. I should have remembered red ants are under those stones! I've just been up to check and two of the plants by the wall look fine as do the ones in the tray in the greenhouse. Not sure if they will flower this year but we will see! We do seem ahead of you flowering wise although your peony flowered before mine! Our rhododendron flowered ages ago but perhaps it is a different variety? Garden looks much greener after all the rain :( As you say strange times all round!! Take care and have a good weekend too!

    Pam - Thanks. I did move rather fast when the ants came swarming out although I did first try and push the plants down into the soil!!! We see Large Skippers round here but only in the last few years have I seen them and Small Skippers in the garden. Glad you are enjoying the DCI Banks novels - nice escapism reading at a time like this!

  7. Still plenty going on in your garden, nice to get a Skipper. Had a small tortoiseshell in over the last few days but most of the butterflies come when the Budlea is out.

  8. Forgot to say your cake looks will have to send me the recipe. x

  9. I hope that your Wall Pennywort survives - I'd have legged it too when I uncovered red ants!

    Sorry your ginger cake was dry - try adding a few spoonfuls of stewed apple next time.

    Well done with persevering with your journal. My recording is done on my blog.

    Now you have tempted me with that book, and I have a mountain still to wade through . . .

  10. Amanda Peters - thank you. Hoping for more garden butterflies next week when it looks dry and rather hot! Will dm you re: the recipe!

    Bovey Belle - Thank you. Red ants are not pleasant! I spent five minutes checking my arms etc to make sure none were crawling over me!!!

    Thanks re: tip on cake - very strange as usually Mary Berry's recipe are spot on!

    Most of my recording also on blogger but I do keep a proper nature journal - separate to the one I show on here. I've kept one ever since we got married!

    I still have a lot of books to read - some real books but loads and loads on the kindle!

  11. CherryPie Thank you - I bought it from the National Herb Centre as it reminded me of a statue we had seen outside a house in Dorset.
