Monday 4 May 2020

"Bits and Pieces"

The days continue to merge into one!

As long as it is not raining I wander round the garden several times a day looking for new plants in flower, birds and insects.

More flowers on the patio clematis and

a different variety (no idea which one) clambering over an arch further up the garden.

Thyme continues to flower

Miniature strawberries - to be honest I am not sure if they are "wild" or planted over 40 years ago by the previous owner but they appear each year. We used to grow strawberries in a fruit cage but that was in a different area of the garden.

Timothy enjoying his daily walk!

Choiysa in flower - mum and dad bought us this shrub many many years ago.

Hawthorn - sadly never flowers profusely - I blame OH for over pruning it although he says this is not the case. The garden has not been tended that well so far this year as B has had a lot of problems with his legs. An xray just before lock down suggests he has osteo arthritis of the hips and spine which he needs to see the doctor about when they are accepting appointments again. Ibuprofen helps him a lot but the GP took him off that as she said it was causing his blood pressure to increase :(

Timothy again - he does like azaleas!

This is the border that has been taken over by Red Campion - really pleased about this!

Common Vetch (I think - please correct me if I am wrong)


Rock Rose

Water Avens by the pond

This morning there were 7 eggs in the Blue Tit nest and

she has begun to incubate. It is good to see the male goes in regularly to feed her.

Sadly, over the last few days a Magpie has been seen again several times near the Blackbird nest so I suspect this will eventually get predated.

Speckled Wood butterflies are still being seen most days and today I saw a male Brimstone. Tawny Mining Bee and Tree Bumble Bee are new species for the year. The Large Red Damselfly seems to have disappeared or moved on perhaps.

Wildflower area and mini woodland at the top of the garden.

I've been keeping up the "journal" but not drawing every day partly because of the rain and not going into the garden to find items to draw.

I'm just taking each day as it comes and trying to keep my mind occupied. I am still doing the heraldry course and the os puzzle book and reading fiction and non-fiction. I've knitted a little owl and just have to sew it up. I finished the OU free War Memorial Course which, although short, was interesting and certainly makes you ask questions about the different forms memorials take, the location and symbols etc. When all this is over I will be taking a lot of photos whenever I can find them. I've signed up for another OU free course on Life in the Palaeozoic which may well repeat information I learned years ago when I took Geology courses with them. But as I have forgotten a lot of what I learnt it will refresh it in my memory!!

It was E's birthday last week - it was not the celebration she planned as two short holidays had to be cancelled and she couldn't meet friends but we made the best of it in the circumstances.

I found a Christmas Pudding sparkler we hadn't used to put in the cake.


Flowers sent by one friend


Another friend left flowers on the drive for her.

Birmingham Airport has been used for "military" exercises with sightings of a Chinook helicopter and this plane.


An old spirograph gift was found in a wardrobe and put into use.


Pressing garden flowers


The hammered silver coin from Queen Elizabeth I's reign I mentioned D had found in my last post.



Apart from an Apple and Blackberry crumble no baking this week

Tea cooked by D using up pitta breads and peppers.


Glamorgan Sausages again made by D with a Watercress, Apple and Walnut salad courtesy of me!


Plain flour has nearly run out but I must thank Sarah Head who kindly left a comment in the last post asking if I had tried Shipton Mill as they release delivery slots at some stage during the day. Yesterday I visited the website and kept refreshing it every time I was on the computer and I was fortunate enough to get a delivery slot so all being well I should have some plain, self raising, wholemeal and bread flour in a week or so. I wasn't greedy I just had two 1 kg bags of each but at least we can bake again for a while without worrying about running out for a few weeks. I did consider buying a few 16kg sacks (which they sell from a different shop) but B was not keen on having too much flour lying about.

So thank you Sarah.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well. Take care.

*D Photos taken by D with the Canon SX 50 HS bridge camera
Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera


  1. i can empathise with the days merging..... I keep walking looking for birds/flutters etc.... lots of music, podcasts and books :) curiously I don't find it that bad

    really cool jumper Timothy

  2. The Quacks of Life - Thanks Pete. I woke up this morning after tossing and turning all night and couldn't work out what day of the week it was! Looking at your blog you do seem to be able to get to some nice areas to walk. Glad you are fine and keeping busy. The worst for me is missing the countryside - thank goodness for my garden.

  3. You might not be getting out and about but you certainly have plenty to share! Happy Birthday to E! What pretty flowers and a delicious looking cake. Sadly I can relate to, and empathise with, B. Ibuprofen was my go to pain killer for my back and leg issues, but with high BP, I am now not allowed to take it. Enjoy your garden, it's all looking lovely. I am behind, but then my garden usually is about 3 weeks later flowering than most. I have wild strawberries, I let them go wild in my borders {bad pun} where they are a sweet treat when weeding.

  4. Rustic Pumpkin - Thanks so much and for the birthday wishes to E. So sorry about your back and leg issues and the ibuprofen problem :( B does occasionally take paracetamol or panadol which helps a little bit. But I think you have to be careful with painkillers if you take them too regularly. I don't know what I would do without the garden to be honest. Enjoy your wild strawberries :)

  5. Love love the little peek round your garden, it looks lovely. I especially likes seeing all the wild flowers you have they look well established.
    Hope the birds are safe, we had our first house sparrow chicks in today making a lot of noise then a fly over by a Sparrow hawk quietened all the birds.

    noticed we have bees or bee going in the old Tree bee hole in the roof, haven't had a good view to see what bee.
    Keep safe and enjoy your garden.
    Amanda x

  6. Amanda Peters -Thanks so much for your kind comments. I am very pleased we do have wild flowers in the garden as I can't get in the countryside. I fear the Blackbird's nest has been predated now as I haven't seen her going in and out of the laurel bush today :(

    It sounds exciting about the bees on the roof. Keep safe too.

  7. I know what you mean about the days, I have no idea, I thought Monday was a Bank Holiday even though it felt like a Sunday, the Calendar said it was a BH but when I spoke to friends over the phone they said it was Friday this week instead for VE day, I had no idea - how did I miss that. Paul has been trying Shipton Mill for ages but now has the promise of an e-mail withn the next two days so we can place an order. Glad you were able to get some flour. I managed to get onto the Lakeland site and order two bags of wholemeal flour which arrived last week. Your garden looks lovely and it's great you have lots of wildflowers too. Stay safe:)

  8. I feel for him with the leg pain, it's just awful and difficult to get the pain management just right :/ I think the garden will look after itself for a while :) It seems like it's doing great from all the photos! Fingers crossed for the Blue Tit and Blackbird nests, maybe the Magpies will stay away. Thank goodness for the flour order, I dread to think how much is going to waste in people's homes after all the panic buying!

  9. Rosie - Thanks so much. I thought it was Bank Holiday Monday too until my son told me! Apparently calendars were printed before the decision was made re: VE Day. So pleased you were successful re: Shipton Mill. I must have been lucky to get a slot the first day I tried! Once I got the slot and left email address I had an email the next day with a link to make order. It all seems to have gone through ok so should get flour in about a week. Have also managed to order some disposable gloves online as my hands are so sore with all the washing :(
    Stay safe and well too.

    Pam - Thanks so much. B gets particularly stiff after sitting for any length of time and hobbles around. So difficult at the moment with GP's not letting you make a face to face appointment. I thought exactly the same about how much might be going to waste in people's homes too!! I've found we waste hardly anything these days as we come up with ideas of meals to use what we have. Take care.

  10. We had the propeller version of that aircraft go over us on Tuesday.
    Glad to see you're still getting some wildlife to report from the garden Caroline.

  11. Punk Birder - Thanks so much Dean. Saw two new species for the year yesterday :) Interesting about your plane sighting. Ours was back yesterday - flying past every 7 or 8 minutes for an hour (I don't think it was landing) I failed every time to get a photo :( I think while the airport is quiet armed forces are doing "exercises" possibly not connected with the current situation.

  12. I think we'd be great friends in person. I love your journals. You are an artist. I love this post. You're right, every day gets merged into one. I forget what day it is sometimes. I have several boxes for my Lucy's Warblers. They are here calling and I'm afraid to check the boxes because what if they are nesting! I don't want to jinx them. If I find a nest, I'll get all stressed out and protective. I have several naughty species of birds who like to raid nests like your magpie. It's all part of nature...but still, I don't want a massacre on my watch. PS. I love your featured food today. Makes me hungry. I miss Wales. I miss travel. Thanks for sharing your beautiful oasis with us. I do like mornings though!!! Coffee is life! Then I have tea later on. That's always pretty good:) Be well. You both stay safe. Chris and Micheal

  13. Rohrerbot - Thanks so much Chris - I am sure we would be great friends too - hope you can come back over here to England one day. That is very sweet of you about being an artist but believe me I am under no illusions :) Do hope your Lucy's warblers nest and stay safe from predators. Great Spotted Woodpeckers can be a threat here for Blue Tits as they can hammer through the wood! We can watch ours via a nestcam that beams to tv. I miss going out too Chris - the whole world seems unreal at the moment. Take Care both and stay safe and well Chris and Micheal.

  14. Oh my goodness, your garden is fantastic! I'm so envious with all you have blooming. So pretty. I've got lots of green at the moment, waiting for the sun to help things bloom. It's been colder and wetter than normal which hasn't produced many flowers. And still some nights with frost. I wear a fitbit which helps me know what day it is, because they do indeed blend together. Glad you were able to get some flour ordered. I spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

  15. Sandy - Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. So pleased you like the garden :) Hope it brightens up soon for you and the flowers start to appear. It can be cold here still at night. I am even more confused this week over the day as yesterday was a bank holiday! Very relieved about the flour :) It is lovely to meet you and I hope you will visit again.

  16. I do hope your daughter had a lovely birthday, RR, despite the lockdown. The cake and flowers look wonderful.

  17. Caroline Gill - Thanks so much. Yes the bday went well and we had a belated barbecue to celebrate last Saturday.

  18. The days do merge into one at the moment and I find myself bus but not actually having anything to show for it...

  19. CherryPie - thank you. I am sure I shall kick myself one day for the time I am "wasting"! As you say you are busy but don't have anything to show for it!
