Tuesday 10 September 2019

A Walk Along the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal in Warwickshire

Last Saturday D and I decided to walk along the Stratford upon Avon canal near Yarningale Common.

Signs of autumn in the hedgerows as berries appear.


Last time we were here we did a circular walk ending up at Yarningale Common starting at the canal and turning right but this time we walked in the opposite direction toward Preston Bagot rather than Claverdon.

The canal was constructed between 1793 and 1812.

Bucket Lodge Cottage - the barrel roof design is I believe unique to this canal.

The split in the bridges by the locks allowed the ropes of horse drawn narrow boats to pass through.

I think this plant is Burdock but please correct me if I am wrong.



Acorns are appearing

Although along most of the canal the banks are well vegetated but in places where there is little vegetation you see this which is not good news for species such as Water Voles as they are unable to bury into the bank :(

Elderberries - my father used to make country wines and Elderberry and also Elderflower were particularly good.

Birds seen included Mallard,

flocks of tits and Swallows swooping low over the water.

Butterflies seen included many Speckled Wood

When we reached the lane at Preston Bagot we decided to retrace our steps.

If you want to see the post from a few years ago when did a circular walk along the canal and then through fields and woods to Yarningale Common please see here

We then drove the short distance to the village of Wootton Wawen for a very tasty pub lunch at The Bulls Head.



After lunch we walked across to explore the Saxon Sanctuary of St Peter's church which is the oldest church in Warwickshire and full of interest. I will write about the church in my next post.

*D photos taken by my son with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera

Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera


  1. A lovely refreshing walk. I do believe that is Burdock. Dandelion and Burdock was my favourite childhood drink. I don't know what the pink/purple spikey one is called but I have it in my garden. It is very pretty but stinks to high heaven when you try to pick it! The bees seem to love it. I hope Timothy enjoyed his, er, Dandelion and Burdock pint.

  2. Rustic Pumpkin. Thanks so much. Dandelion and Burdock is one of my son's favourite drinks :) I think the pink purpley spikey one is Purple Loosestrife - it is so pretty. Yes thank you Timothy did enjoy his pint (but perhaps a little more alcohol in it that Dandelion and Burdock! :) ). Timothy is being led astray! :)

  3. Looks a nice stroll. It is definitely getting more autumnal isn't it. Hi Timothy

  4. Canals are interesting places to walk along and you got some lovely photographs. I am just about to go to Australia for 6 weeks but have all my post scheduled in (bit of a marathon that was!) Unfortunately I will not be commenting while I am away but as often as I can will look at bloggers posts.

  5. The Quacks of Life - Thank you and yes it certainly is. Timothy waves back :)

    Margaret Birding for Pleasure - Thank you - I always enjoy a canal walk.

    Have a wonderful time in Australia and I will continue to read your posts while you were away:)

  6. What a lovely stroll. I love your canals over there. Very peaceful!

  7. Rohrerbot - Thank you and yes they are lovely places to stroll :)

  8. Just catching up with your posts after a few days away. What a lovely meander up and down the canal, I saw something on television recently about the barrel shaped lock keepers cottage on this canal, can't remember what it was now. There are definite signs of autumn in the air and hedgerows lots of lovely berries. Your lunch looks very tasty:)

  9. Rosie - Thanks so much and I hope you have had a lovely few days away :) The canal was so tranquil and very quiet :) Definitely feelings of autumn wherever you go. I do like this time of year :)

  10. Oh, I did enjoy this post since I love the beginning of Autumn and being unable to get out and into it at present is making me restless.

  11. Toffeeapple - thanks so much and I am so sorry to hear that you can't get out and about and enjoy early Autumn. I do hope you can get out in the not too distant future.
