Thursday 28 February 2019

A Few Hours in Stratford-upon-Avon

E is on holiday this week so on Monday we went to Stratford-upon-Avon for a wander.

The American War Fountain

Then a walk by the River Avon - the area was heaving with people. I do like Stratford but I have never known it anything but busy!

A dreadful shame about the litter floating by the Mute Swan

Black-headed Gulls

The swan had followed me along and here he/she is again!


It seems to me to have been a very good year for crocuses

Another view of the RSC

The Other Place - I have such fond memories of plays seen here when it was called The Courtyard Theatre and was being used when the RSC was being renovated.

Hall's Croft - this was the home of Shakespeare's daughter Susanna and her husband the physician John Hall between 1613 and 1616.

We had lunch at The Windmill - D and I discovered this pub when we were last in Stratford - the food is good and reasonable and service excellent.

The first time poor Timothy had seen daylight! B and E walk much quicker than me and every time I stopped to take a photograph I was left further and further behind so no time for Timothy to pose for photos.

Three cheese toastie with chips

Guild Hall and Chapel

Grotesques and a carving of an angel on the Guild Chapel. I haven't been inside this church - perhaps one day.

New Place is a garden I would like to visit - it was being restored the year D and I had the Shakespeare Houses passes - you could just see this silver globe through a gap in the fence!

The Garrick Inn

I bought some cheeses from this shop. Paxton and Whitfield are a royal warrant holder having supplied cheese to various monarchs over the years and apparently the shop was also a favourite of Sir Winston Churchill.


  1. Garbage is a huge problem everywhere and I have no idea what can be done about it as long as people don't care. A friend of mine recently visited Antarctica and plastic was floating on the ocean there.

  2. We have two gold post-boxes too, for Greg Rutherford apparently. No idea who he is!

    Every time I have been to Stratford the place has been full of people, you seemed not to have that problem - I'll go with you next time...

  3. David Gascoigne - Thank you. Plastic on land and in the oceans is such a problem :( Dreadful news about such a pristine place as Antarctica :(

    Toffeeapple - Thank you. Have to say I don't have a lot of knowledge of olympics and gold medal winners! Tennis and football more "my thing".

    Stratford was busy - perhaps not as much as bank holidays, weekends or in the summer but I was selective in the photos I picked to try and cut as many people out as possible! I don't think the place is ever quiet. Although from memory my son and I arrived there about 5.00 last year to make sure we arrived early for the theatre. We had a wander round before eating and at that time of day it was the quietest I have ever seen it!

  4. As ever, RR, another fascinating post. It brings back many memories of a visit to see the RSC's 'Macbeth', with Judi Dench as Lady Macbeth, about the time of my Eng. Lit. O Level. I always enjoy the way you manage to find those hidden corners and features! I particularly like the swan 'carving' (I wonder what kind of metal and technique...) and its cousin, the real Mute Swan who befriended you. I bet Timothy enjoyed the toasties... my mouth is watering!

    You mentioned how busy it was... I think everywhere has been bustling thanks in part to half-term holidays (for some here it seems to be this week) and to the wonderful but unseasonal weather. I was actually quite concerned on the nature reserve last w/e at the volume of human noise and amount of activity in an area where there are many rare and threatened species... But what a glorious change from last year's Beast from the East!

  5. I have only been to Stratford once and it was lovely wandering around it through your photographs again. Thanks

  6. Caroline Gill - Thanks so much. It must have been wonderful to see Judi Dench as Lady Macbeth. I studied Macbeth for English Lit "O" level too! but we failed to go the RSC from school. The play D and I saw there last year was Macbeth and it was excellent.
    I think we found the swan metal carving last time we were there - it was on the same road as the RSC and on a house or pub. I think having the bridge camera has helped me look for small details as you can zoom in which I couldn't really do with the Olympus dslr 15-42 lens.

    The food is very good at The Windmill - I didn't want much for tea nor did Timothy! :)

    I have noticed how busy some of the larger nature reserves are these days in my case I refer to Brandon Marsh and as you suggest it is of concern re: wildlife. Yes a real change from weather last year!

    Margaret Adamson - Thank you and I am so pleased it brought back memories of your visit.

  7. I coming to visit just for the toastie and the book shop!! :D Your photos make it look like summer!

  8. Pam - Thank you and lol! :) It felt like summer tbh with unseasonal temps! Book shop is good - have been in several times in the past :)

  9. How wonderful to see dear old Stratford again. So many happy memories of days and weekends there and many plays seen. Summer nights leaving the theatre and lights in all the trees as we walked back to our hotel or B&B. I often look through my box of theatre programmes earliest 1966 latest 2011 - haven't been since then, must go again soon. Thank you for taking me back wuth your photos:)

  10. Rosie - Thanks so much and so pleased the photos brought back happy memories. We went to see plays a lot for about 4 or 5 years when my son used to get press tickets (free!). Whenever I think of Stratford like you it is the plays and leaving the theatre I remember. I always think of sipping a glass of wine outside too on light summer nights although many of our visits must have been autumn and winter. We did go last year to see Macbeth. I hope you can go back again soon - it is such a wonderful experience :) My son has a box of programmes and I have most of the tickets :)

  11. I stunning place for a visit, have enjoyed reading this post and looking at you photos.
    The buildings look much older here, but are well looked after.
    Loved looking at everything.
    Amanda xx

  12. Amanda Peters - Thanks so much and glad you enjoyed. Stratford is quite photogenic if you can cut out the crowds!

  13. Some lovely photographs, it is such a long time ago since I visited.

    I know exactly what you mean about being left behind whilst stopping to take photographs.

  14. CherryPie - Thank you. Always being left behind! :(

  15. Cheeses!Yum yum yum. Have you opened them up since the purchase and how did they taste? I'll be looking for those gulls and enjoying the views of the Mute Swans minus the litter.....I hope.

  16. Chris Rohrer - Thanks so much. The cheeses were delicious and all gone now!! When are you coming over here? I gathered you may be coming to Wales but it sounds as though you may be in England too?

  17. England is a big question. I don't know what my friend has in store. Most of our journey will be around Wales but England may come into play. my email is just in case there is a window?:)I have a friend who lives in Wales:)

  18. Chris Rohrer - You will have a wonderful time in Wales even if you don't come to England. I expect your friend will have a packed itinerary so you see some great birds. If you do come to England and have any spare time my email address is under "About Me" on the blog :) Hopefully, even if not this time you will get chance to visit England one day. Have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading all your trip :)
