Tuesday 2 October 2018

A Day Out in Herefordshire - Part 1 Bromyard and a visit to The Time Museum of Science Fiction

A few years ago when driving through Bromyard on our way back from the "black and white" village trail D spotted a sign to a Dr Who Museum. Recently thoughts of a visit to the museum returned when comedian Stewart Lee mentioned the place. So last Saturday D and I set off in search of the museum. Traffic was very congested around Worcester but after a 90 minute journey we finally arrived in Bromyard.

Bromyard is a market town located in the Frome Valley which is famous for its hop production. Herefordshire is also a county well known for its orchards and cider making.







The Time Machine Museum of Science Fiction - and yes it is much bigger than it looks as it is also housed in a series of rooms in rather large cellars.

The museum is crammed full of Dr Who memorabilia including props and costumes from the series. There are also exhibits from other Science Fiction series such as Red Dwarf, Thunderbirds, Star Wars and Life on Mars etc.

I hope some of you are Dr Who fans as there are rather a lot of photos!





















After visiting the brilliant museum we had lunch at a cafe called FlowerDew's which was close by. The tearoom is a lovely mix of cafe, gift and toy shop, the food was delicious and the service excellent. Both the tearoom and museum are well worth visiting if you are in the area.

Then a wander round the town.






The Falcon Hotel is a black and white half timbered Tudor building.

There are quite a few interesting places to visit nearby - we didn't really have enough time to visit Ralph Court Gardens or National Trust Lower Brockhampton so instead we drove a few miles to a rather picturesque church with has the most amazing font. I will write about the church in Part 2.

*D Photos taken by my son with the Canon Bridge SX50 HS camera

Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330


  1. What an interesting place to have a Dr Who museum... is there a connection with Bromyard? Fascinating what goes on in Herefordshire.

  2. The Wessex Reiver - Thanks so much Andrew and lovely to hear from you. I've just found an article on the museum in Dr Who Magazine and there doesn't appear to be a connection with Bromyard. The guy who owns it decided to give up a career in the East Midlands as a policeman and open a toy and teddy bear museum in Bromyard. As he already had a huge collection of Dr Who items he decided to change the museum to one on Science Fiction.

    There are some amazing places to visit in Herefordshire. I could quite easily live in that County

  3. I remember passing though Bromyard on the way back from a holiday a few years ago and I thought it looked an interesting town. I think we had visited Brockhampton in pouring rain, if that is the house with a gate house and a main house separated by a bridge or moat? I know someone who would love that Museum:)

  4. Rosie - Thank you. It sounds like Brockhampton although I have only seen pictures. What a shame it rained :(

    Ha ha re: knowing someone who would love museum - I think I can guess who :)

    I really would like to go back to the area - OH now wishes he had joined us as he wants to visit museum, would like to go to Ledbury plus Brockhampton and Ralph Court Gardens are crying out for a visit. There is so much of interest in Herefordshire and so many places to visit! :)

  5. What a lovely day out. I'm still not sure if I could get close to a Dalek (I was one of those who hid behind the sofa when they were on the screen!) We often see the sign for Bromyard when we are heading to Malvern. One of these days we'll have to take a detour. Looking forward to the church.

  6. Bovey Belle - Thank you. It is the Weeping Angels that frighten me the most!! It is a pretty little town. Tearoom is particularly worth a visit (if the museum does not appeal) - there is a free car park limited to one hour parking opposite (had to move the car to a paying car park after the museum!). There is a Heritage Centre too but sadly closed when we decided to visit.

  7. How fantastic, i'd love to visit the museum (and the tearoom!), i'd not heard of it before, it looks like it's packed full!

  8. Pam - Thank you. Museum was very full! I think it may be the only permanent Dr Who exhibition in the country now?

  9. Another great day to remember, stunning photos throughout. My OH would love to see the Dr Who museum, I would be quite happy looking at the buildings in the town, Love the red house ( all the buildings) and the cafe.
    Amanda xx

  10. Amanda Peters - Thanks so much. I think OH here is miffed he missed it but he said at the time he didn't want to go as it was too far! There are some lovely villages in Herefordshire and I can really recommend the "Trail of black and white villages".

  11. The museum looks really interesting and the tea shop looks delightful. I like the way they have served the cakes.

  12. CherryPie - Thank you. The tea shop was a real discovery :)
