Thursday 9 August 2018

National Herb Centre and Nature Trails

Last Saturday D and I went on a trip to the National Herb Centre near Banbury. The Centre was established in 1997 by Peter Turner with the aim of providing a place where people could see, enjoy and learn about herbs. In the past research projects into herbs have been undertaken. (Many Thanks to Ron who recently brought the Centre to my attention and showed me enough photos to make me want to visit).

Swallows nesting at the entrance.



The centre sells plants, garden ornaments and gifts and there are also gardens and nature trails to explore and a bistro.

Again it was another very hot day so we decided to explore the gardens and and nature trails first.

There are lovely views and the buddleias were covered in butterflies.

This border which was full of flowering Tansies and what I think was Wild Marjoram had dozens of butterflies flitting about.

Common Blue I think (there is a very similar species called Brown Argus). I did at this stage think of doing a Big Butterfly Count but to be honest there were just too many Whites flying about to id as well as the problems of differentiating between Common Blue and Brown Argus so I abandoned the idea.

There were six small specimen gardens containing herbs to give you ideas of what you can grow at home.

Path down to the valley and nature trails.

The path was lined with Wild Marjoram and I have never seen so many Common Blues in one place before - there were dozens of them.


Common Blue



Other butterflies seen on the walk included Large, Small and Green-veined Whites, Comma, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral.

There were lots of thistles and teasels on the walk which will be good for Goldfinches.

I had forgotten to pick up a map of the nature trails from the shop so we made up our own circular walk.

Blackberries and

Elderberries ripening already.

The views over the Oxfordshire countryside were lovely.

After a couple of hours we finally returned to the garden centre.

Tomato Soup with a cheese scone and

half a piece of Carrot Cake were the late lunch we had in the bistro. The food was delicious.

We had a look round the garden centre and came home with some herbs and a stone statue.

I will certainly be visiting again and next time will remember a map of the nature trails because I think there is woodland to explore too.

We bought home a few blackberries and

here are the herbs now planted in pots.

Some years ago when we were on holiday near Lyme Regis in West Dorset my son and I fell in love with a stone statue of a Gate Keeper at a cottage next to the one we were staying in. So when we spotted a very similar one (made in Devon) at the Herb Centre we just had to buy it.

A few more new fairy ornaments I have placed round the garden.

*D Photos taken by D with the Canon SX50HS bridge camera

The rest of the photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera


  1. Anywhere with Barn Swallows nesting at the front entrance has my vote of approval! Yippee!!!

  2. WOW! Well that was certainly worht you visiting that place so much to see and photograph. Loved the whole post

  3. David Gascoigne - Thank you - I thought you would like the swallows :)

    Margaret Adamson - Thanks so much. We shall certainly visit again - a really super place :)

  4. It looks a wonderful place to visit. I love herbs and learning about them. When Mum and Dad were around we used to take them to a lovely herb garden not far from where they lived and close to Hardwick Hall. Unfortunately the herb garden closed down a few years ago such a shame but it is good to know there are other places like it. Looks like you had a great day, a good lunch and came home with some goodies too. I like your little statue:)

  5. It looks like a wonderful place. I love that you saw so many different types of butterfly.

  6. Rosie - Thank you - such a shame that the one near where your mum and dad lived closed down :( There is a small herb garden at Ryton Organic Gardens (from memory I think you have been there??) but I gather Ryton is now under threat too :( Pleased you liked the statue :)

    CherryPie - Thank you - it was certainly a great place for butterflies :)

  7. I had quite forgotten about this place! We went there some years ago but managed only to get around the garden centre and the herbs I bought there are still in my garden with the exception of the Thyme which some cats destroyed.

  8. Toffeeapple - Thank you. I read an article about it years ago in a magazine and thought it looked good to visit but it is only recently that someone brought it make to my attention when I heard about the butterflies there.

    I hope our herbs last as long as yours :) Such a shame about the thyme. Some of the thyme I already had planted in a wall was what was left over from one of those pots you can get in supermarkets. I planted it out after use and it has survived for years I did the same with parsley and marjoram and sage although only the latter two grow year on year. Bees love the flowers.

  9. What a lovely day out. Lots to see and a super walk - I was glad you saw lots of butterflies as not so many here this year, despite the good summer, but then they are the result of last year's WET one . . .

    You have a lovely collection of herbs there and I love that little Gatekeeper statue. I've not seen one like him before.

  10. Pete Duxon - Thank you. Well worth visiting if you haven't been. I think you can get a map of the nature trails from the shop. It is all very natural down there i.e. not "manicured" thank goodness! Not far from the M40 or Upton House.

    Bovey Belle - Thank you. It was a really super place and one I will visit again. Yes, good point about the result of last year's wet summer.

    Herbs were bought as my son wanted his own! We do have some in a wall but the basil and parsley there have died out. I bought the wild marjoram for butterflies! Look out for those Gatekeeper statues in Devon where he was made when you visit again. Really thrilled I saw it as we had so admired the one we saw in West Dorset.

  11. What a most wonderful place, I would love it. Not sure how far it is from you but it's somewhere I would visit again and again.
    The butterfly photos are great and it's been so good seeing so many this year. Love the planting and the nature walk.
    So pleased you bought the gate keeper.
    It reminds me of "Caring for life" were I go sometimes, I will try and go this week and have a break from cleaning.
    Lovely post.
    Amanda xx

  12. Lovely, herbs are the one thing I seem to be able to grow successfully, not in such abundance though!

  13. Amanda Peters - Thanks so much. Yes you would love it there. It is about 50 minutes from here mainly motorway. I am really pleased with the Gate Keeper - I just looked at my son and we both said buy it and agreed to go halves :) Hope you get chance to go to Caring for Life as I always love your photos from there - yes they do look similar :)

    Pam - Thanks :) Herbs do seem fairly easy to grow (I a not very green fingered!) and butterflies and bees love the flowers :)
