Saturday 21 July 2018

Isle of Wight - Day 3 Sunday 8th July - Part 1: Ryde and Shipwreck Isle

Sunday was even hotter about 32 degrees centigrade.

We had discovered there was a free Pirate Festival at Appley Beach, Ryde. My family love Ryde and decided they would make their annual visit there to coincide with the Festival. (I must be honest here and say that, although I have nothing against Ryde as it is a lovely seaside town, there are far many things
on the Isle of Wight I would rather be doing!)

We could only find a parking space some distance away from the beach in question and we walked back along the seafront.

B and E were not pleased to find their favourite seafood cabin closed!

Timothy was feeling the heat in his jumper! and

here he is with Tennyson who was also too hot!




The Hovercraft which travel backwards and forwards between Ryde and Portsmouth. A few years ago we caught this and went to visit the Mary Rose and HMS Victory at Portsmouth Historic Boatyard.


The Spinnaker Tower at Portsmouth

Finally we reached Appley Tower and Shipwreck Isle on the beach.

The Tower was built by Sir William Hutton in 1875 - the gothic tower (also known as the Watch Tower )is all that remains of his mansion. It was designed by Thomas Hellyer of Ryde, a local architect, and constructed by Isaac Barton a local builder. Sir William Hutt also arranged for Hellyer to design and construct the coastal revetment protection followed by a coastal promenade for the public.

The pirate festival was good although by this time I was feeling very hot and bothered! The festival included live music, stalls, Punch and Judy, a pirate play and hidden treasure to find. It wasn't easy to take photos as there were so many people around.

Thankfully clouds were developing which did cool things down slightly.







After a packed lunch we made our way to the peace and tranquility of nearby Quarr Abbey which I will write about in my next post.

*D - Photos taken by D with the Canon SX50hs bridge camera

All other photos taken by me with the Panasonic Lumix FZ330 bridge camera


  1. Oh wow, there's all sorts going on there! Johnny Depp lookalikes and all sorts!

  2. Simon Douglas Thompson - Thanks Simon. I couldn't believe how much he resembled Johnny Depp!

  3. Captain Sparrow looks as cool as a cucumber in all that heat. I hope Timothy and Tennyson enjoyed the pirate festival too. The tower setting certainly suited the theme:) I remember travelling on a Hovercraft in the early 1970s - we came back from France on/in? one:)

  4. Rosie - Thank you. I am not quite sure how they coped with the costumes in the heat - I would have passed out!!

    I bet that was an experience coming back from France on a hovercraft! :) We came back from Jersey on the "fast" ferry - going was fine but coming back sea was rough and we all got sea-sick and spent entire journey on the deck!

  5. Land ahoy, me hearties! - what an amazing idea to hold a pirate festival. We always used to enjoy Punch and Judy on the beach on Swanage holidays. There was a wonderful glove puppet shop there then, so pocket money was saved and sometimes spent on a Dog Toby or other colourful character!

    'Moonfleet' was one of my favourite childhood books, and while you have been largely focusing on pirates rather than smugglers, I was interested in my pre-visit reading to discover that Meade Falkner had (supposedly) drawn on the Isle of Wight for some of his evocations of place.

  6. P.S. I would love to do what you did and take the hovercraft to see the Mary Rose ...

  7. Caroline Gill -Thanks so much - excellent idea to hold the pirate festival (I am not sure if they have one every year as we went away later this summer). I remember Punch and Judy shows from when I was little too :)

    I don't think I have ever read "Moonfleet" - I may have to remedy that!! My son would enjoy it too as he is fascinated by smugglers. That is so interesting about the author and the IoW - I see the book is set in Dorset another good place for smugglers' tales :) There used to be a Smugglers Museum near Ventnor Botanical Gardens sadly it closed - my son was really upset. Lots of smugglers tales on island - chines used and churchyards to hide goods etc. I bought my son a paperback for his birthday with tales of reprobates from the island including smugglers, pirates, murderers etc!

    It did seem a bit strange to return to the mainland while on holiday but it was a great experience. The Historic Dockyard is very close to the hovercraft terminal and is a brilliant museum although too much to see in one day. Perhaps one year we will repeat the experience as I believe you can see more of the Mary Rose now.

  8. When I first flicked through the photos I thought it was Johnny Depp !
    The traffic island look amazing, and we struggle here in the UK to let even wild flowers grow...
    Appley Tower and the Harbour look great places.
    Amanda xx

  9. Amanda peters - Thank and yes he is his double!

    There used to be a fossil shop in Appley Tower - for some reason I thought it had closed but looking at websites it may still be open so I missed a good opportunity for a browse at fossils!

  10. As everyone else has said a remarkable Johnny Depp look alike!

  11. CherryPie - Thank you and yes he is!
