Sunday 17 June 2018

30 Days Wild Days 10 -16 and a Trip to the RSC Stratford

I seem to be getting behind with blog posts! So a few details of Days 10 -16 of 30 Days Wild.

I potted up my Green Man patio pot - with pollinator friendly plants. Photo to follow when it becomes more established.

Pressing common wildflowers (mainly from the garden) - when fully dried I plan to make some bookmarks.

Family chauffeuring on Tuesday evening meant I had two plus hours to spare in the village of Dickens Heath. I don't mind sitting reading in the car for an hour but not any longer so I went exploring.

I knew there was a canal where I planned to walk along the tow path but

then I spotted this sign. It is always good to explore a new nature reserve. So over the canal bridge

and onto the reserve.

Lots of bramble

and buttercups in flower.

It was a great little reserve

with a lovely place to sit and watch nature at the end of the path.

An interesting looking path into the woods but I didn't explore further as I have to admit at times I feel nervous when walking on my own.

I returned to the canal and followed the tow path for a while. There were plenty of mallard about and I also spotted a Pied Wagtail.

Cow Parsley and hogweed were flowering in the hedgerow and plenty of yellow flags at the side of the canal.

You can always tell when June has arrived due to the Dog Roses in flower.

A delight to see and smell Honeysuckle.

Rooms with a view! :)

Ichneumon Wasp species checking out the bee "hotel" in the garden.



Watching Mute Swans on the River Avon in Stratford-upon-Avon


I finally got round to persuading B to put up the Butterfly House I had for Christmas.

Walking round a wildflower and woodland trail at Maxstoke Castle (I will do a full post on the Open Day later next week).

Ox-eye Daisies in the wildflower meadow at Packwood House (again I will do a full separate post on my visit next week).

A trip to Stratford

D had bought tickets for us to see Macbeth at the RSC Stratford - it has been too long since we have been. I didn't take my camera as I couldn't face taking it into the theatre or leaving it in the car so all the photos were taken by my son.

We arrived about 5.00 p.m. so had an hour to walk around the town first. It was the quietest I have ever seen Stratford presumably the day-time tourists had departed and those who come for the evening had not yet arrived!

Hall's Croft - the home of William Shakespeare's daughter Susannah Hall and her husband Dr John Wall who she married in 1607. I have visited this house and garden several times and it is superb.


The Other Place - a few years ago when the main RSC theatre was being renovated the company performed their plays here when it was known as the Courtyard Theatre. D and I spent many many happy hours attending performances here (in those days he got free tickets through his job!) and it had a very special atmosphere so I have many happy memories.









A "ghost" sign




New Place - once Shakespeare's Home. This was closed and being renovated in the year D and I visited the Shakespeare properties. One day I will return.



We found a super pub for a meal - The Windmill. The food was excellent and very reasonable and the service superb.






The play we went to see - Macbeth - was excellent and we both thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The decision to use child actors as the witches was an excellent one - it added a very creepy and unsettling element and the "ghost scene" was superb.

*D Photos taken by D with the Canon SX50 Bridge Camera

Rest of photos taken by me with the Panasonic FX330 bridge camera.


  1. Getting behind on blog posts? Now that seems to be a bit of an oxymoron somehow. I would never consider that I had a schedule for blog posts or that I could get either behind or ahead. I am very happy that you got to explore a new nature trail. That is always rewarding. Maybe next time you have to drive others you won’t even read in the car at all but will set out right away to see what you can discover.

  2. David Gascoigne - Thank you. I don't consider I have a schedule for blog posts - I just blog when I have something to write about. It is just that as well as being a public blog I regard it as a personal online journal of my day's out for friends and family to also enjoy and I seem to have been out a lot recently! :)

    As you say it is always good to find new nature trails and places to walk :)

  3. I'm in the same boat regards getting up to date on blog posts Caroline, but i did have a bit of a setback (that came out of nowhere) last week. Onwards & upwards though now.

  4. Dean Stables - Thanks Dean. I wondered why I hadn't seen a post from you recently. Hope the set-back is resolving itself. Although I have just spotted a post from you so hopefully it has.

  5. Lovely walk at the nature reserve and also along the canal, I know what you mean about sometimes feeling nervous when walking alone,I feel the same. How wonderful to go to the theatre in Stratford. During the late 60s, 70s and 80s we would go a couple of times each year. I live closer to the place than I have ever lived before but it must be five years since we last saw a performance there. I hope you enjoyed Macbeth, it sounds interesting using children as the witches:)

  6. Rosie - Thanks so much. I used to do surveys on my own walking on public footpaths and in the end decided I wouldn't go unless another member of the family went with me - was constantly looking over my shoulder!!

    I remember you talking about RSC visits on your blog. It must be getting on for 5 years since we last went too - the last one we saw there was by coincidence Macbeth just after they had re-opened the main theatre. Yes, it was a great play although a trifle expensive!!! We had a good journey down - took about 45 minutes but Stratford can take up to half an hour more from here if the traffic is bad.

  7. It's nice to be able to explore somewhere new but I get what you mean about walking on your own! Some lovely photos, I've never been to Stratford, it always looks like such a beautiful place!

  8. I've just looked back at my blog post and it was May 2011 when we last visited Stratford and the RST where we saw The Merchant of Venice. How time flies:)

  9. Pam - Thank you. At times it is not fun being a female :( Stratford is lovely although it can get horribly busy with zillions of tourists at times!

    Rosie - It is unbelievable how quickly time goes and the older you get the quicker it passes :( I wonder if we saw Merchant of Venice? It doesn't ring any bells and I am not sure where my son keeps the programmes and tickets but will check with him when he is home and leave another reply!

  10. I love your walk around the nature reserve :-)
