Saturday 26 November 2016

Christmas Tree Festival at St Michael's, Maxstoke

I was determined to try and find the time today to visit the Christmas Tree Festival at St Michael's, Maxstoke. So leaving the Christmas cake cooking - B was under strict instructions to check it after two hours and cover it with foil if it was over-browning! -, D and I went along to the church.

Although I've taken photos of the exterior of the church in the past I have never been inside.

In 1333 Sir William de Clinton (builder of nearby Maxstoke Castle) founded a Chantry on the site of the present church. The church of St Michael and All Angels was built not long after. Sir William also arranged for the building of nearby Maxstoke Priory in 1342 for 12 Canons of the Augustinian Order. The Priory was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1538 and today only a few ruins remain.

The Christmas Tree Festival was a delight although, as usual the camera struggled with the low light so most of the photos were taken using the flash.

The SE window in the photo below and

this window in the Gallery contain fragments of 15th century stained glass.

The view of the church from the Gallery which was added in the 18th century.

You may remember I missed the ancient floor tiles at Chastleton Church and I managed to do it yet again today - the sanctuary has 14th century floor tiles.

I discovered that the church is open on Sundays during the Summer so I will return and also take more photos of the Priory (I think I have shown you a few pictures of the ruins in a past post(s).

D was using the Canon Bridge SX50 HS and it performs better in low light than my camera even without flash - see photos below.

We went and had a look at the Craft Fair in the Village Hall opposite the church. I bought a couple of Christmas Tree decorations and we had tea and cake - D Victoria Sandwich and me Sticky Ginger Loaf - sorry forgot to take a photo!

Sunset - photos taken with the Canon Bridge -

and setting sun making the autumn colours glow - colours look false but the photo is unedited.

It is good to have transport again :)

Reference : Guide Book to St Michael's Maxstoke


  1. Glad you are able to get out and about again. St Michael's Maxstoke looks an interesting little church, love the fragments of 15th century glass in the gallery window and the Christmas trees look wonderful. You must have felt quite festive after visiting and seeing the trees and then arriving home to a newly baked Christmas cake:)

  2. It looks like it was a lot of fun and setting the festive mood. The colours in the last photo are stunning :-)

  3. Rosie - Thanks so much. You don't realise how much you miss a car until you have to go without for weeks!!! I've long wanted to look round the inside of that church and it was extra special to see the trees :) I do like Christmas baking and the way the spicy smells permeate the house :)

    CherryPie - Thanks so much. We've got some interesting photos at sunset in that area in the past :)

  4. It looks charming! And the cake sounded lovely :o)

  5. Countryside Tales - Thanks very much CT :)

  6. Christmas has definitely arrived at St Michael's! It is interesting to see the different ways of decorating a tree. I think I would look at them for any ideas. The church looks interesting, too with its medieval history and links to the nearby castle and priory.
    I'm late with my Christmas cake this year - it will have to be made next week now!

  7. Wendy - Thanks Wendy. They did have some good ideas and many of the decorations were handmade which is always nice :) Maxstoke is an interesting area history-wise. You could spend hours researching it all! :)
    I'm always late with my Christmas baking! Christmas Pudding next weekend and then will fit in mincemeat one day in the week. Have just discovered my son isn't keen on Christmas cake so will have to try and make a Dundee cake which he does like nearer the time. I always make too much stuff but it is fun and I love the way it fills the house with Christmassy aromas! :)
