Friday 1 July 2016

Warwick - Part 1: The Mill Garden

Although E is now back at work D is still on holiday so yesterday we had a day out in Warwick. Our first port of call was the delightful Mill Garden situated in Mill Street. The garden was created over a 60 year period by the late Arthur Measures. The half acre garden is renowned for the quality of its planting and superb views of the River Avon, ruins of a Medieval bridge and Warwick Castle. Winding pathways lead you through the garden and there are seats everywhere for you to sit and soak in the tranquility and peacefulness of the setting.

Many thanks to Ian of "In Japara's Backyard" (please see blog list on the right) who recommended this garden to me when he visited it on a trip to England a few years ago.

(I'll return to the East Devon holiday in a few days).

Mill Street which contains some 15th and 16th century houses

Mill Garden

Does anyone know please the species of this tree - D and I fell in love with the flowers.

Some of the photos taken by D with the Canon SX50.

We then visited the Lord Leycester Hospital and Master's Garden and paid a flying visit to St Mary's to see the Shakespeare First Folio and 1st edition of the King James Bible (it was the last day of the exhibition) but I'll write about these in a separate post.


  1. How lovely the Mill Garden looks and so close to the castle and town centre too. I'd love to see it. It seems ages since we last visited Warwick. I'm off now to catch up on your Devonshire Holiday posts:)

  2. Rosie - Thanks very much. The Mill Garden is certainly well worth a visit if you haven't been and do go back to Warwick. I must try and go back as it isn't that far - we hadn't been since we took the children to the castle when they were little!

  3. it is a beautiful garden to have seen adn your images are it and the Castle are marvellous. Yes well worth a visit.

  4. Margaret Adamson -Thanks Margaret - it is one of the loveliest gardens I have visited :)

  5. Your visit and beautiful photos brought back the enjoyable day we had at Warwick Castle and particularly the Mill Garden which we thought was a real treasure, in such a picturesque location.

  6. Ian - Thanks so much Ian - so glad the post brought back happy memories for you. Thanks so much again for tipping me off about the delightful gardens :)

  7. Lovely photos of a beautiful garden. The views of the castle and river provide a wonderful backdrop. Mill Street is pretty, too - it's great to see so many old buildings surviving the centuries.

  8. Wendy - Thanks so much Wendy. It really was a wonderful garden and yes there are some lovely old buildings in Warwick :)

  9. That looks like a glorious place to visit, and with the backdrop of the castle no less! Pretty sure the flowers are from one of the flowering dogwood trees, Cornus something.

  10. Millymollymandy - Thanks so much Mandy - the gardens were superb :) Thanks for the tip re: the dogwood tree - I will check the species out and see if I can find that variety :)

  11. I believe that is a pink kousa dogwood tree. It's a beauty.

  12. Felicia Thanks so much for leaving a comment and identifying the tree for me - so kind. I will look out for one of those to buy as you say it is a real beauty. Thanks again :)
