Tuesday 1 December 2015

A Christmas Tree Festival

I returned last Saturday to the Church of St Nicholas in the village of Curdworth to visit the Christmas Tree Festival.

There were over 30 trees each decorated with a different theme. Sorry the photos are pretty poor I had to use the camera flash as it was so dark and for some reason I really struggle to get decent photos when I use the flash.

The font which is actually Romanesque 12th Century not Saxon as I originally thought. It just goes to show you have to very careful on the source of information you use from the internet!.

Had a nice glass of mulled wine and a mince pie:)

Some of you may remember that when I visited earlier this year I was intrigued by the spider motif in one of the stained glass windows and I had discovered that one of the parishioners had done some research into the history of the church. I actually met the lady on this second visit and something should soon be appearing on the parish website so am hoping to find out a little more soon about the window.


  1. What a nice idea. I love the knitted Christmas dinner and the kings and queens tree. :-)

  2. Deb - Thanks very much. I've heard about Christmas Tree Festivals in churches on the Isle of Wight but this is the first one I've heard of locally :)

  3. Lovely stuff Caroline, I do love Christmas so much and I am usually in charge of the Christmas decorating at home. In fact some of these pics have given me a few ideas for this years tree :-)

    Best wishes and kindest regards :-)

  4. David - Thanks so much - so glad you enjoyed and even better got a few ideas :) I am supposed to be knitting up some Christmassy toy animals this year along the lines of the "Knit and purl" cards but haven't made a start yet although I do have the wool etc! :)
