Monday 22 June 2015

Coughton Court - Part 2: Rest of the Gardens, Woodland and River Walk and Inside the House

Following our visit to the delightful Walled Garden we had a look round the formal gardens which include two Sunken Gardens.

The Walled Garden I showed in Part One is known as the Rose Labyrinth and the Walled Gardens themselves continue through the Early Summer Garden, a garden with a pool and onto another garden with two long herbaceous borders.

These poppies reminded me of Ladybirds.

To escape the crowds we made our way into the Orchard

and then the Vegetable Garden.

We then explored areas I hadn't had time to see on previous visits. The Bog Garden was delightful and you can walk around it via a Board Walk.

It was much quieter in these areas of the gardens and we walked along The Gentleman's Walk which meanders next to a lake and then onto the Woodland Walk.

Berries are forming on Wild Arum/Lords and Ladies/Jack in the Pulpit.

Even though Ramsons were going to seed the smell of wild garlic was still overpowering.

The Woodland Walk leads into a walk along the River

and then back in the direction of the house.

Time for tea and cake - I had a slice of Coconut and Lime Cake and it was delicious!

Then it was off for a look round the house which has been home to the Catholic Throckmorton family since 1409. Persecuted for their Catholic faith in the past they risked everything on secret plots and political intrigue according to the Guide Book.

Many of the major organisers of the Gunpowder Plot, including its leader Robert Catesby, were kinsmen of the Throckmorton family.

Francis Thockmorton was a cousin of Sir George Throckmorton, Lord of the Manor of Coughton with 19 children and 112 grandchildren!! Francis was an informer between Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Spanish Ambassador and was eventually caught and executed.

During the reign of Elizabeth I it became illegal to practise a Roman Catholic Mass and attendance at the Church of England was compulsory but many Catholic families, such as the Throckmortons, continued to practise their faith in secrecy. Here at Coughton the Tower Room was used as a Chapel and there is a priest hole where Catholic priests could hide if necessary.

There are a lot of rooms to visit in the house - sorry the photos are a bit "iffy" usual problems with low light and no flash allowed but I've included them to give you an idea of what an interesting house it is.

Family portraits line the staircase.

The Drawing Room

The Tower Room

This was an important room when attempts were made in the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century to stamp out the "Old Faith". There were good views of the surrounding countryside to keep an eye out for any who threatened the Catholics.

The double hiding place for Priests - one tiny room above another.

This painted canvas is dated 1596 and is known as The Tabula Eliensis. It depicts 40 knights and gentlemen who were quartered on the monks of Ely in 1076. These are displayed below a painting of Ely Abbey, together with the heads of English sovereigns from William Rufus to Elizabeth I. Beneath these are the arms of all the Catholic gentry who were arrested for recusancy during the reign of Elizabeth I.

We continued on up a narrow, winding, spiral staircase onto the roof. These two photos were taken by B with his mobile - have to confess I absolutely loathe heights so, although I got up the staircase, I didn't linger long but quickly scuttled back down again.

The Dining Room

This is the old oak dole gate from the Convent of Denny. The name of Elizabeth Throckmorton is carved on it - she was the last Abbess at the time when the community was dissolved in 1539.

The wood this chair is made from reputedly came from the bed that Richard III slept in on the night before the Battle of Bosworth!

The beautiful Tapestry Bedroom - it had a huge wardrobe in one corner - very reminiscent of Narnia!

And just one final photo of some of the beautiful foxgloves.


  1. WOW! What a full but extremly interesting post with fabulous shots ot illustrate it. wo many great things to pick out favourites but it is place I would love to wander round both inside and the wonderful gardens

  2. Great post, super photos. Those gardens are lovely.

  3. Have to agree with the above, a most excellent post Robin

  4. Margaret Adamson - Thanks very much Margaret - so glad you enjoyed. Lots to do and see there and I didn't visit the 2 churches this time!!!

    Ian Doyle - Thanks very much Ian.

    John Wooldridge - Thanks so much John.

  5. Pete Duxon - Thanks Pete :) Never had time to do it before and I loved the bog garden :)

  6. Lovely post showing what else you got up to that day, I do like the bog and river are, you can see the change in colour from your photos. From the bright of the walled garden to the greens of the river bank, looking cool and much calmer. The bed looks very inviting in the last photo:)
    Amanda xx

  7. Amanda Peters - Thanks very much Amanda. Its a great house with lovely gardens and grounds :) Did you mean the Foxglove bed or the green bed in the room? I loved all the foxgloves everywhere and the Tapestry Bedroom was my favourite room in the house :)

  8. I have been saving this post, to savour it. You do go to some gorgeous places and I thank you so much for posting your images and experiences.

    I have read about the Throckmortons in the book "Bess of Hardwick" by Mary S Lovell, a long but absorbing read.

    I really want that chair to have been made from R.III's bed - and the Tapestry bedroom would be a nightmare to walk about in the dark, so many obstacles!

    That cake sounds totally delicious.

    Thank you again Caroline.

  9. Toffeeapple - Thank you so very much for such a lovely comment - it makes blogging worthwhile :)

    The book "Bess of Hardwick" sounds very interesting - I will be checking that out!!

    You would definitely need a light on to walk round that bedroom!! Wish the photo of the wardrobe had turned out better but it was just too blurred to post!

    Thanks so much again :)

  10. Another delightful tour of a historic property which I am ashamed to say I had never heard of. I love the courtyard garden with all the lavender and whatnot, whilst the Tower Room looks fascinating.

    Kindest regards :-)

  11. David Turner - Thanks so much David and apologies again for late publication of your comment as we've been away. Coughton Court is great (both the house and gardens) - well worth a visit if you are ever in the area :)

  12. You're dessert choices are always top notch following your garden tours. LOVE the deep reds of the poppy. The bog and grasses are dreamy. I imagine doing a photo shoot with a woman wearing a white flowing dress walking with an light lacy umbrella through the area. Lovely!

  13. Chris Rohrer - Thanks Chris - I do love cake :) It would be an idyllic location for such a photo shoot :)
