Monday 6 April 2015

Daffodils at Packwood House

After we'd visited St Giles churchyard to look at the primroses last Thursday, we stopped off at Packwood House. At this time of year there is always a lovely display of daffodils lining the sides of the road that runs past the house.

Blackthorn is frothing in the hedgerows and there were a few flowers in the car park at Packwood.

Lesser Celandine growing in ditches at the foot of the daffodil banks - not so many celandine this year although I more than made up for it this afternoon.

In the distance you can see the Yew Garden said to represent the Sermon on the Mount

We stopped off at The Bear, Berkswell, for a pub lunch on the way home.

Hope everyone has had a lovely Easter.


  1. Yellow is the predominant colour round here at the moment too

  2. Lovely seeing all the Dafadils, the sun has brought every thing on, saw lots of Butterflies to day..
    Amanda xx

  3. Simon Douglas Thompson - Thanks for the comment Simon. Can't seem to escape from yellow at the moment!!

  4. On the IOW where I am at present, the daffodils and primroses are out in wonderful yellow glory and in temperatures of 18 degrees yesterday. t was lovely to walk around this place with you andsee allthe beauty

  5. Amanda Peters - Thanks Amanda - yes lots of Brimstones and Peacocks round here yesterday and first garden butterfly :) Spring has Sprung!!

    Margaret Adamson - Thanks Margaret. Envious of your being on the IofW - I bet it looks wonderful in the Spring - look forward to some posts from you. We are returning there this year after an absence of a few years - I can't wait! I would move there tomorrow if I could!

  6. Such a lovely place. x
