Monday 13 October 2014

Brief Visit to Winterbourne, Local Lanes and a Moth

More family chauffeuring yesterday morning over to the Edgbaston area of Birmingham meant I had an hour to spare so I paid another fleeting visit to Winterbourne House and Gardens. I had initially planned to have a look round the house this time but it was such a lovely sunny day I spent the time exploring some more of the gardens.

Winterbourne House and Botanic Garden is one of the best surviving examples of an Edwardian Arts and Crafts suburban Villa and Garden. The gardens contain over 6000 plant species from around the world.

The Walled Garden

Looking towards the Lower Lawn through part of the "Geographical collection".

Autumn colour was starting to appear throughout the gardens.

Woodland Walk, Sandstone Rock Garden and pools

Japanese Bridge

Returning to the gardens closer to the house - the Pink and Blue Border

The weather forecast for the rest of the week doesn't look very promising so in the afternoon I went a walk round the local lanes with D looking for Redwings which are just starting to arrive in England. We didn't see any newly arrived Winter thrushes but there were plenty of Magpies and Wood Pigeons flying over the fields and Blue and Great Tits together with Robins and Blackbirds flitting in and out of the hedgerows. Birding highlight was a female Yellowhammer.

Hidden between the shrubs and trees is an ancient little cottage with ivy half covering the windows. I have never been able to work out whether anyone actually lives there or whether its been deserted.

A few flowers continue to appear in the hedgerows and verges providing a welcome burst of colour - Umbellifer species, White Dead Nettle, Bindweed, Chickweed and Red Campion, Dandelion and Meadowsweet.

I haven't a clue what species this toadstool is but some creature or other decided to have a nibble.

Beech leaves changing colour - back at home our beech hedge is still green.

A flock of sheep came over to say "hello".

Garden Moths

I haven't put the moth trap out yet this month but at the end of September I did trap this pretty little Micro moth - Gold Triangle (Hyposopygia costalis) - a new species for the garden

Once it stops raining I will continue to put the trap out probably until about mid-November. I still live in hope that one day a Merveille du Jour will find its way into the garden and trap!


  1. Am waiting on an MDJ too....

    Rain here all day today so it was nice to see your pictures of greenery with no raindrops in sight! :o)

  2. I think you could go to Winterbourne many times and find something new every time, it's such a lovely place. Because its been so mild flowers are still flowering or having a second round.....
    The little moth is lovely, as I'm of,and it stops raining I too might put my moth box out, can see some moths fly still late at night
    Amanda xx

  3. Countryside Tales - Thank you. Good luck to us both re: MdJ :)

    Raining down here all day today too :( Still bucketing down!

    Amanda Peters - Thank you :) Now I have the season ticket for a year will try and return to Winterbourne more often when I don't have time restraints! :) Would so agree about the flowers :)

    Still worth moth trapping as there are many species still around. November Moth is appearing round here locally I gather :)

  4. A very pretty moth, we still have some bees about and a few other garden insects (except for yesterday when it rained for 24 hours).
    The gardens are beautiful

  5. SeagullSuzie - Thank you. Yes, still a few bees around here too but not yesterday!! (rain!).

  6. I must be getting organized as I have more time for posting on my blog and catching up on everyone else's. A lovely post, and the photos made it feel like I had been with you in the gardens. It's amazing how the mild weather has encouraged flowers to bloom again - I saw a Violet on the bank a couple of weeks back.

    What a pretty moth, never seen one or even heard of it.

  7. Bovey Belle - Thanks so much - so glad you've got more time for blogging as I love your posts :)

    I saw some Green Alkanet in flower recently too - as you say must be all the mild September weather.

    The moth was beautiful and so like a butterfly to look at :)

  8. Beautiful gardens and some lovely photos. Enjoyed viewing your blog.

  9. Jeremy - Thank so much for your lovely comment :)

  10. I like how they've segmented the various gardens.....and did I see Gunnera(a tropical plant) in the mix??!!! Most impressive. It always reminds me of a plant that could have been around during the dinosaur era. Congrats on that new moth. Pretty striking colors.

  11. Chris Rohrer - Thanks Chris - not sure about Gunnera but quite probable as they have plants from around the world - will check when I next visit. Moth was very pretty - so butterfly like :)
