Thursday 7 August 2014

A Visit to Packwood House Gardens

I had a trip out last Thursday afternoon with a friend to visit Packwood House gardens. We were really lucky with the weather as rain had been forecast but we were able to spend several hours walking round before the skies darkened, thunder rumbled and the rain arrived.

Packwood House was originally built in the sixteenth century but the interior was restored by Graham Baron Ash in the 1920's and 1930's with the aim of recapturing its original 17th century style.

The East Court

The Walled Carolean Garden

The Yellow Border (which is crammed full of perennials combining pink, yellow, lavender, carmine and scarlet following Loudon's mingled style) was probably at its best a few weeks ago but it was still full of colour.

Rose Bays

The Sunken Garden installed by Baron Ash in the 1930's

Roses growing by the house

Borders in the centre of the garden - full of perennials and grasses

The Raised Terrace - this is probably my favourite part of the garden and this year was looking even better than usual - if that's possible!!

This is a Chocolate Scabious - I'll be looking out for one of these to buy.

This year a collection of follies have been constructed around the grounds and garden - unfortunately we only had time to see two in the Yew Garden. These follies are known as the Hive and are a group of small-scale huts by artist Hilary Jack made from remnants of reproduction furniture and wood collected from the estate. The artist is paying tribute to work carried out over 100's of years by gardeners at Packwood maintaining the gardens and flower borders and going backwards and forwards to sheds and huts for their tools.

Part of the famous Yew Garden which represents the Sermon on the Mount

The Kitchen Garden is a delight and well worth a visit. Lots of companion planting so flower borders are mixed in with vegetable patches.

The Teddy Bear's Picnic

Not sure quite sure why this photo is upside down but I am sure you can see what it is!

I treated myself to a plant called Echinacea Razzamatazz which has glorious pink flowers. Thanks for sharing the visit J - I hope you enjoyed the gardens as much as I did.


  1. I like the idea of having that wall oven to protect the fruit trees. A beautiful set of images from this wonderful place.

  2. SeagullSuzie - Many thanks :) Yes, its a wonderful idea (dates back centuries too!!).

  3. What a wonderful place to vis and what it a variety of things to see. Love all the flowers, follies, the Teddy bears picnic and fountains.

  4. Margaret Adamson - Thank you very much Margaret - so glad you liked the gardens:) If I get time I'll try and go back and take photos of the other follies.

  5. I have a chocolate scabious :-) were there any striped lychnis on the mullein? Lovely gardens x

  6. Countryside Tales - Glad you liked the gardens :) Jealous of your Chocolate Scabious - a really gorgeous flower. I don't think we get Striped Lychnis in Warks - its certainly not mentioned in the Warks Macro Moth book. Think its more of a species that likes chalk and limestone and occurs in the south like Hampshire :)

  7. Yes you're quite right re distribution of striped L, just wondered if a small colony might have spread your way. Am a bit obsessed with checking mullein for them at present! :-)

  8. Countryside Tales - lol :) Well it is always possible - remember Hedge Rustic? :) Am feverishly checking every Flounced that I trap!!! No, I didn't see any caterpillars on the one at Packwood but I will check if I see Great Mullein elsewhere :) Good luck with your surveys :) Hope you are ok - haven't seen a post from you recently.

  9. Hi RR

    I've only been to Packwood once. I really must go back!

  10. Pete Duxon - Hi Pete :) You must return - its lovely there. New restaurant too. Not far from Baddesley Clinton either - two treats in one visit :)

  11. I've sent you an email but not sure whether you got it- just to say I've got lots of chocolate scabious seed from my plant in the garden- if you'd like some email me your address and I'll pop some in the post for you :-)

  12. What an intriguing garden... love the teddy bears' picnic..

  13. Countryside Tales - Thanks so much - have sent you a reply. Sorry for the delay - I only check the account every few days.

    Tricia Ryder - Thanks - well worth a visit if you are ever in the area. Its one of my favourite local gardens :)

  14. Lovely images and a very nice place to visit :-)

  15. Central Birder - Thanks so much :) I've enjoyed reading about your trips to Lundy and on MS Oldenburg in recent months :)

  16. Such a lovely walk around the gardens. I am feeling the need to enjoy one of these walks this weekend. That Chocolate Scabcious is a stunner. Hope it works out for you. I have been wanting to put more of a variety out for cactus in my yard so my eyes are on the look out for some cuttings:)

  17. Chris Rohrer - Thanks so much Chris - enjoy your walks this weekend :) Hope you find some cutting and new varieties of cacti :) The sunken garden at Packwood has quite a few succulents - I think its an experimental garden to see what grows best with little water.
