Sunday 30 March 2014

A few Spring Wildflowers plus Daffodils Galore and Return to Berkswell

Every year around this time I try and make a trip to St Giles churchyard Packwood to see primroses and violets and Packwood House for daffodils and lesser celandine so some of you may have seen similar photos in previous years. Last Friday morning (I took D with me) we set off on this annnual "pilgrimage".

St Giles

Unfortunately I've never been able to take a photo that pays justice to the sight of primroses en masse but this gives a very small idea.

Primroses and Violets

A bank covered in primroses and lesser celandine

Lesser celandine

Off then to Packwood which is only about a mile away

Packwood House

Lots of forsythia in flower along the roadside

One of several sundials found at Packwood

The daffodils which grow along banks at the side of the road which runs close to Packwood are a beautiful sight.

Lesser Celandine dot the bank and ditches

We did plan to have lunch at the new cafe at Packwood until I discovered that to get into the tearoom I would have to pay an entrance fee for the grounds for David as he is no longer a member. This would have been fine if we'd had time to look round the grounds but I was anxious to visit a nature reserve to see butterbur before the rain which had been forecast arrived. So that idea was abandoned (rather miffed I missed out on cake though!!).

When I was a child I was always captivated by images of butterbur in one of the widlflower id guides I had and its a species I've never seen in flower. Thanks to Temple Balsall Nature Reserve Blog (please see link on the right under My Blog List) I discovered some years ago that it flowered on the reserve. I've tried to see it the last couple of years but have always been too late and it had gone to "seed". I knew it was in flower at the moment so as the reserve is not far from Packwood that was our next destination.

Temple Balsall Nature Reserve

Dog's Mercury is starting to flower in the hedgerows.

Lesser Celandine (again!!) I love this flower - a real harbinger of Spring :)

This is the marshy hollow on the reserve where the Butterbur grow.

And finally, I got to see this lovely plant in flower - a bit past their best but thankfully not yet gone to seed!

Scarlet Elf-cup growing on a bank near the butterbur

We would have explored more of the reserve but by now we were getting rather hungry and D suggested returning to The Bear at Berkswell for lunch. By this time it was 1.45 and it was a mad dash through the lanes to try and get there for 2.00 p.m. in case they stopped serving food then. We arrived at dead on two o'clock but apparently they serve food until 4.00 p.m. so we needn't have rushed after all!! Oh well, we'll know next time.

The Bear Inn, Berkswell

I know I wrote a post a few weeks back on Berkswell but here's a few items I missed last time.

Village Pump

Beehive Cottage is now being re-thatched

Beautiful old cottage

D was keen to see an old canon (from the Crimean War) which used to be in the pub car park. Eventually we discovered it by Berkswell Museum


  1. I love lesser celandine, too - it looks so beautiful in large clumps under trees. My bank of primroses is looking wonderful but I can't do it justice in my photos! I enjoyed seeing more of Berkswell - it certainly does look such an interesting place to visit. I'm glad to see so many interesting features from the village's history have been kept.

  2. Wendy Many thanks :) Lesser Celandine seemed to be everywhere along the country lanes :) So glad you enjoyed Berkswell - its such a lovely little village :)

  3. I love all these spring flowers and am always delighted to see them anywhere. The daffs in such large numbers are just beautiful....a real spring post!

  4. SeagullSuzie - Thanks so much - glad you enjoyed :)

  5. I also love celandine and it's everywhere here at the moment. I've never seen butterbur before. Packwood house looks lovely too. Glad you had a good time out and about x

  6. Countryside Tales Many thanks :) LC really is brightening the hedgerows at the moment :)

  7. I remember your previous post from the churchyard where the primroses grow. It must be a beautiful place to visit every spring.

    I have always love celandines and let them grow where they will here!

  8. Dartford Warbler - Thanks you :) This particular churchyard was a real discovery :) I must try and return every so often this year and see what's there is late Spring and Summer:)

    You are so fortunate to have them growing in your garden :)

  9. So many gorgeous yellow flowers! Another marvelous post.

  10. Em Parkinson Thanks so much. So glad you enjoyed the post :)

  11. I always love revisiting areas around gardens or birding spots etc. Those moments are very special with both friends or alone. And the spring flowers are delicate and lovely:)

  12. Chris Rohrer - Many thanks Chris :) I fear my son was a trifle bored at times hence the pub lunch!!
