Thursday 12 September 2013

Butterflies, Dahlias and Scarecrows at Baddesley Clinton - Part 2

Second Part of the posts on Baddesley Clinton

After looking round the Walled Garden I walked along to the Vegetable Garden where the scarecrows were to be found.

Master Marmion - Edward Ferrers

"Master Ferrers loves nothing more than bossing around the working class scarecrows and taking more than his fair share of vegetables"

Each scarecrow is accompanied with a rather amusing and quirky rhyme

Hannah Horseradish (Maid)

Little Pip Factory Worker

Florence Nightingale (Lady of the Leek)

Queen Victoria (Empress of the The Great Broad Bean Empire)

Charles Darwin

Charles Dickens

Beatrice Beetroot (Cook)

Albert Asparagus (Gardener)

A view over the Parkland that surrounds Baddesley Clinton

This wildflower meadow (with flowers now gone to seed) is full of butterflies in the summer - I once saw dozens of Ringlets here.

I then followed the Woodland and Lake Walk

Back in the garden lots of bunches of grapes ripening

Then back into the Walled Garden for a last look at the dahlias

and Small Tortoiseshells

There is an excellent second hand book shop at Baddesley

and, as usual, I was unable to walk away without making a few purchases!!

I also brought home a bunch of dahlias as a reminder of the visit.


  1. Hi These scarecrows are hilarious. whoever thought this up was very creative and I love it all. I love all your shots of wonderful coloured flowers and buterflies. The while post is a feast for the heart.

  2. Margaret Adamson - Thank you so much for your lovely comment - so glad you enjoyed the post :)

    Last year they did scarecrows with an Olympian theme which was similarly hilarious :)

  3. Small torts are doing very well this year aren't they? We have lots here and there were lots in Devon too. Love the pair of boots disappearing into the earth!

  4. Countryside Tales - Yes its been a great year for them. For the first time in years we have had loads of them in the garden :)
    Glad you liked the disappearing boots - there were 3 pairs of them - lol !!

  5. The scarecrows are great fun and what a lot of work they have put into them. The dahlias are very colourful, I don't have any due to the slugs and snails-although I would love to have some. Love the parkland and woodland walk, certainly is a great place for a walk about.

  6. Seagull Suzie - Many thanks - so glad you enjoyed the scarecrows and dahlias and woodland walk :)

  7. An enjoyable sequel to the first post and those scarecrows were fun and enjoyable to see :-) A few villages locally have similar displays but I'm not sure they are as imaginative and well made as these ones. Hope you enjoy your new books :-)

  8. Brilliant scarecrows!! Darwin is a personal favourite! What a beard!!

  9. David Turner - Many thanks - so glad you enjoyed the scarecrows :) A few villages round here have Scarecrow festivals too - they are great fun but usually spread over a large area!!! - easier to see them all at Baddesley!!!

    Lou Mary - Thank you - so glad you liked them all :) Yes, I particularly liked Darwin too :)

  10. The scarecrows are brilliant, well done to all who worked on them.

  11. two nice posts on Baddesley!! sorry for the lack of comments I've been enjoying the sun!

  12. Toffeeapple - Thanks - so glad you enjoyed them :)

    Pete - Thanks Pete - no worries :) Glad you had such a great holiday - you are actually making me want to go abroad :)

  13. That lake walk looks very nice. I could stroll around that spot for hours....especially on the hunt for birds. As for the scarecrows, I laughed about the child scarecrow safety rules. Whomever put those signs together was rather witty:) And I could enjoy those gorgeous flowers. We leave to home for the holidays soon and I look forward to catching the last flowers blooming. Have a good week. Chris

  14. Chris Rohrer - Many thanks. Sadly I failed to see many birds in the woods just a few moorhen and coots on the lake and lots of mallard.

    I thought the Scarecrow comments were rather amusing too :)

    Have a great holiday Chris :)
